Dear Editor, I was disappointed to see the column from Yaakov Levine (October: Non-GMO month!) demonizing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The piece was filled with misinformation, and readers should have a chance to hear the truth about GMOs. The author crafts the column around the simple premise that GMOs are[Read More…]
Opinion & Editorial
Guest Viewpoint – Growing Up in the Digital Age
From the Greatest Generation to Baby Boomers, Generation X to Millennials, teenagers in every era have had challenges growing up. In today’s digital world, high school students are being tested in unique and demanding ways. The Washington Post confirms that 73 percent of all American teenagers own their own smartphone[Read More…]
Through the Eyes of the Colonel – Commemorating veterans for their service
In the mid-1930s in my hometown of Bartlesville, Okla., I remember when I was about 12 or 13 years old that we always celebrated Armistices Day, which was to commemorate ”The War to End All Wars.” The time and date of the end of the war was 11 a.m. on[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: Visit the Annual Harvest Dinner and Country Store
Dear Editor, Nov. 2 is an important Friday in the life of the church family at Creswell Presbyterian Church. The church has a long and proud history of reaching out to the community, and beyond, and everyone is encouraged to attend. Each year on the first Friday of November people[Read More…]
TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH – Antibiotics vs. probiotics
DEAR DR. ROACH: I understand that the overuse of antibiotics can harm the good bacteria in the intestinal tract, as well as the bad. While I don’t feel that I am abusing antibiotics, I have been prescribed two courses in the past five years. I wonder what action can be[Read More…]
Use your constitutional right by voting
I believe that the election next week is going to be one of the most important midterm elections we will have. There are so many conflicting views and opinions. Who do you want governing you? Whose opinion do you believe will be successful? Who is truly honest? And who is[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor –
Dear Editor, Oregonians will vote on whether Oregon remains a “sanctuary state.” This statute was passed over 30 years ago to help stop people being arrested solely for being here illegally. Today, people who are here illegally AND commit crimes are being set free to commit more crimes on law[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor – These are a few truths I know about Gary Mounce
Dear Editor, Gary Mounce’s heart belongs to the Creswell community and to serving it. A long time Kiwanis member, retired CHS Principal, former golf coach and much more, Gary is passionate about his adopted hometown. Gary has the experience and fortitude to translate his passion into solid service for Creswell.[Read More…]
Letters to the Editor – Gary Mounce for Creswell mayor 2018
Dear Editor, I choose Gary Mounce for the office of mayor in Creswell. Mr. Mounce brings excellent credentials to the position, as his experience in the educational arena and well as his background in business and administration gives him a unique advantage is serving our community. Mr. Mounce exemplifies honesty,[Read More…]
FOOD PANTRY UPDATE: Food Pantry grateful for community support
The volunteer staff at the Creswell Food Pantry would like to thank the entire Creswell community for the incredible outpouring of support these past two months. It all started with a Creswell Food Pantry Facebook post, announcing that our shelves were nearly depleted of canned meals, fruits and vegetables. Facebook[Read More…]