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Cottage Grove, Scene & Heard

Play review: Historical drama relevant to modern audiences at Cottage Theatre

COTTAGE GROVE –  In a stunning revival of Pierre Choderlos de Laclos’s scandalous 1782 novel, Cottage Theatre’s “Les Liaisons Dangereuses” expertly weaves a tale of manipulation and decadence that resonates chillingly with today’s world of power plays and societal excess. The director, Jesse Merz, described the show’s theme as “love[Read More…]

Atlas excerpts, part 1: Kalapuya and putting the ‘spring’ in Springfield

Editor’s note: As part of The Chronicle’s flash to the past, excerpts below are extracted or summarized from the draft pages of the “Historic Atlas of Springfield, Oregon,” to be published later this year. Read more about that project here. The Willamette Valley has been home to Indigenous people for over[Read More…]

History buffs creating roadmap to Springfield’s past

■ Editor’s note: This month, The Chronicle looks at Springfield’s past through the lens of three history buffs as they prepare to launch “Historic Atlas of Springfield, Oregon,” a 200-plus page organized collection of Springfield’s history and development. SPRINGFIELD—After years of compiling, tracking down and connecting the dots, a trio[Read More…]

Civic Engagement calendar: Feb. 14-24

FRIDAY. FEB, 14 ■ Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, 7:30 a.m. at Springfield City Hall, 225 5th St.  ■ Springfield 2nd Friday Art Walk, 5-7 at Springfield City Hall. 225 5th St.  TUESDAY, FEB. 18 ■ Springfield City Council Work Session, 6 p.m., 225 5th St. ■ Springfield City Council Executive[Read More…]

Column: Sickness gifted me time to reflect

“For You formed my inward parts;  You covered me in my mother’s womb.   I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139: 13-14   This past year, I received the gift of COVID-19 for Christmas. On New Year’s Day, as I[Read More…]

Column: Is your bank accelerating the climate crisis?

Imagine being unhoused during a recent Lane County heat wave, a freezing weather event, or when wildfires created some of the unhealthiest conditions on planet Earth in 2020. The climate crisis will have a disproportionate impact on our most vulnerable community members: the unhoused. This recognition—climate change impacts marginalized communities[Read More…]

New director at Hope & Safety Alliance

After eight years as executive director, on March 1, Julie Weismann will step down from her role leading the Hope & Safety Alliance.  “Under her exceptional leadership, the organization has grown in its impact and reach, transforming countless lives through her unwavering commitment to domestic violence survivors and their families,”[Read More…]

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