SPRINGFIELD – The Chronicle, the only locally owned hyper-local newspaper focused entirely on Springfield, Cottage Grove, Creswell, and Pleasant Hill, continues to expand its distribution footprint across the southern Willamette Valley. Albertsons and Safeway grocery stores – all nine locations from Eugene to Cottage Grove – will now carry The[Read More…]
Opinion & Editorial
Being WasteWise: Get plugged in to school electronics recycling competition
It’s likely a safe bet you have some old electronics lying around the house. Think laptops, cell phones, cords, cables, monitors, keyboards, speakers, tablets, game consoles, remotes, or AV equipment. Maybe even VCRs! You get the point. We all have unwanted, unused, or broken electronics. If you’ve been seeking a[Read More…]
Treatment works, and recovery is possible
The stigma around addiction often obscures a vital truth: recovery is possible, and treatment works. Each year, millions of Americans are affected by substance use disorders, disrupting lives, families, and communities. This January, we observe the first-ever Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month, a time to recognize the power of recovery,[Read More…]
Resolution for 2025: No litter in new year!
New Year’s resolutions – a wide-open and sometimes controversial topic. Speaking only for myself, what a setup. I can quickly come up with a dozen ways to improve myself and my lifestyle, but what are the chances I’ll stop eating pasta or buying earrings, even though I already have enough[Read More…]
Column: Do something ‘wild’ this holiday season
Domestic and wild animals have been a massive part of my life. Born in a logging camp in Minnesota, neighbors such as bears, deer, moose, coyotes, and bobcats were a fact, not a fear or foe. Then, we moved to North Dakota, where my sister and my playmates were no[Read More…]
Column: It’s time for National First Responders Day
I want to state from the outset that this is not my original idea and that I’ve heard several people mention it before. But if this column can serve as even the tiniest platform for the idea – I feel obligated to say my peace. It also seems to me[Read More…]
Column: Creswell Library celebrates 20 years since historic vote
20 years ago … The 2024 election called to mind the 2004 election as it related to Creswell. After 10 months of campaigning for a tax-supported library district for Creswell, the issue was on the ballot on Nov. 2, 2004. The campaign committee attended Campaign Central in Eugene[Read More…]
Column: Waste doesn’t have to be part of meaningful holiday season
In my job, I run across many screaming statistics about solid waste, pollution, and climate change that sometimes make me stop and say, “Yikes.” Just in time for the holidays, I ran across these statistics from the nonprofit ReFED regarding Thanksgiving food waste. Last year, ReFED estimated that Americans would[Read More…]
Column: Twinkling fairy lights a holiday delight
Fairy lights — even the name sounds magical. They’re pretty, calming, and definitely historical. What do you mean you don’t know what Fairy Lights are? Sure, you do — you just don’t know it — Christmas lights! But in all honesty, I had never heard that name before. To me,[Read More…]
Column: Welcome to our family Thanksgiving
‘A Day of Publick Thanksgivin’’ — Proclamation by George Washington, 1789 I imagine our family celebrates Thanksgiving in pretty much the same fashion as many, many others. To begin, we cook enough for Hannibal’s Army. Well, not all of us actually cook, but more about that later. When our beloved[Read More…]