Opinion & Editorial

Old Schoolhouse update

• We held board and officer elections in January. The current board makeup is: Verlean McCoy, President; Don Ehrich, Vice President; Mary Ann Howard, Secretary; Patty Birch, Treasurer; and member Cheri Spaulding.
• We received grants of $2,500 from Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund; $2,600 from Cycle Oregon; $1,500 from the Lane County Historical Society; and $2,500 from the Creswell First! Community Service Fund; all for exterior restoration of the old schoolhouse. Other grants are pending.
• We received $500 from individual donors through the Creswell First! One Stop Giving insert in The Chronicle. We are most grateful for those donations and to Creswell First! for making that available.
• We met with historic preservation architect Susan Licht, who is creating the construction documents for the exterior restoration. We expect work to begin in May or June and continue through the fall.
• Virginia Sherwood has been doing archival research on the early history of the building. She has discovered some new facts from old records. We are hoping that old diaries and photo albums will surface that will shed even more light on the past. If you are the keeper of such old Creswell family treasures, please contact us.
Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome. Email [email protected], or write toP.O. Box 1092, Creswell, OR 97426, or visit www.creswellheritagefoundation.org and on facebook.

Verlean McCoy,

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