Author: Chronicle Staff

Fighting the blight: Dorris Ranch replant initiative nearly complete

SPRINGFIELD – Willamalane Park and Recreation District is in the final stages of replanting 35 acres of blight-resistant filbert trees at Dorris Ranch.  “This multi-phase project started in 2016,” said Eric Adams, Willamalane Planning, Parks, and Facilities Director. “We became aware of the (Eastern Filbert Blight) fungus around 2014. It[Read More…]

Springfield Police calls MONDAY, JAN. 27 (81 total calls) Top calls: Traffic stop (18), Abandoned vehicle (12), Warrant service (6) 1:47 am: Traffic stop, 437 I-105 EB 4:01 am: Criminal mischief, 1010 L St. 10:50 am: Found animal(s), 3834 Main St. 11:58 am: Theft, 1920 Olympic St. 12:23 pm: Theft,[Read More…]

Police Call Logs: Jan. 20-26

SPRINGFIELD POLICE MONDAY, JAN. 20 (55 total calls) Top calls: Dispute (6), Abandoned vehicle (5), Traffic stop (5) 1:29 am: Driving while suspended, 34th St./Olympic St. 1:33 am: Unlawful vehicle entry, 2033 7th St. 11:38 am: Theft of services, 919 Kruse Way 12:07 pm: Criminal trespass, 520 Harlow Rd. 12:30[Read More…]

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