
Community Blessings – Anna Mercer

Of the many people and blessings I am grateful for in my life, two stand out to me the most: My grandmother and my dog, Watson.
Watson was a starved and abused black long-hair chihuahua when I found him at the Greenhill Humane Society three years ago, but today he is a spoiled and protective little bundle of joy. It doesn’t matter what kind of day I have had, how long I have had to travel to see him or how long it’s been since I have been home, his reaction is the same: unabashed, resounding, erratic joy. It’s as if we have not seen each other for centuries. He is also the most protective guard dog; standing at 8 inches, he is 13 lbs of pure scrap iron that will fight to the death to defend his family from anything from squirrels, to my wrestling friend that stands about one foot taller than me. There is so much love in such a small dog, and I miss him every day when I am away in college.
Then my sweet grandmother. She is the most kind, funniest and the best person you could ever meet. People say we are cut from the same cloth, for our “scheming” and “mischief” making at family gathers (what I wouldn’t give to have known her when we were the same age in high school — she has the best stories from that time in her life). While that may be true, it is all because of the friendship she has shown to me since I was born. And that’s how it has always been: Partners in crime since day one. I am so thankful for her quirks (she has 17 flavors of icecream in her fridge at any given day) and her sense of humor. I miss her as much as I miss Watson, particularly our walks when it’s just the three of us together. Love you grandma.
Anna Mercer

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