BLM rescinds temporary closures for Holiday Farm
■ The Bureau of Land Management lifted the temporary closure that has been in place for public lands in and near the Holiday Farm Fire. Certain areas will remain closed while crews continue with infrastructure repair and hazard tree removal along roads. Initially, these areas will include the gravel portions of Goodpasture Road and Mt. Hagen Rd (2611) located east of Springfield, within the Holiday Farm Fire footprint. Visitors should use extra caution within the burned areas. Fire-weakened trees and limbs, loose rock, ash and dust, and unstable soils continue to create hazardous conditions. Burned areas may also be more fragile and susceptible to damage. All laws protecting public lands and resources from damage or unauthorized use remain in place; violators can be prosecuted, and convictions can lead to fines or imprisonment.
County’s bicycle master plan draft available
■ The draft of the Lane County Bicycle Master Plan is the product of a two-year process involving extensive technical analysis and community input. The plan reflects community needs and priorities for improving bicycling conditions, particularly as a transportation option outside of the Eugene/Springfield urban core. The planning framework and recommendations were reviewed by a Technical Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from seven cities, Travel Lane County, Oregon Department of Transportation, U.S. Forest Service, Lane Education Service District, and more. The public involvement process included stakeholder interviews with community-based organizations, two online public open houses, and survey responses from over 2,500 people. The plan focuses on providing Lane County with better direction about how to prioritize limited resources to make investments where there are the greatest needs and demands for bicycling investments along public roads. Rural roads are not generally the most comfortable routes for people bicycling. However, they are the most direct routes between Lane County’s communities and can serve an important transportation need for people who lack access to a vehicle. Other transportation routes, such as off-road paths and more indirect on-road routes preferred by recreational cyclists, are important but remain second to bicycle routes that provide a direct transportation and utilitarian function. The plan recognizes the importance of off-road routes by recommending a list of future studies, including a Lane County Trails Plan. The predominant recommendation of the plan is shoulder widening, to create a separate travel space for people bicycling on rural roads identified as part of a bicycle network. Comments and questions submitted by May 3 will be evaluated prior to finalization of the plan for the amendment process.