Opinion & Editorial

Letters: Covid is ‘merciless;’ no place for threats

Covid is ‘merciless’ … please get vaccinated

Dear Editor:

Thank you for your Feb. 3 article, “Booster or bust: Third shot may have made all the difference.” Would that everyone took Covid as seriously as you do now, after surviving a harrowing January in its grip.  

My 83-year-old dad, who had always been strong and healthy, drew the faulty conclusion that he was stronger than the virus and didn’t need to be vaccinated. When he was hospitalized Jan. 2, he was genuinely shocked to learn he had Covid. Even then, he still believed he was strong enough to beat it. And you know what? He almost did. That’s the thing about Covid skeptics – they underestimate how truly vicious and unrelenting it is. Here’s a quote from my dad as he gasped for air: “This is … unadulterated … hell.”  

Like you, I barely remember January happening. There was only the onset of my dad’s illness, his slow suffocation and eventual organ failure, his death before our eyes, and the shattering realization that he is gone from our lives forever. That was my month of January.

Anyone who is reading this and is not fully vaccinated and boosted, please, please get it done. Don’t risk a horrible death like my dad’s or making your loved ones suffer as we are. Covid is merciless.

Leigh Rieder, Creswell    


Dear Editor:

We want to thank The Chronicle for your coverage of the harassment of local citizens in line for Covid vaccinations in Cottage Grove. Armed protesters not only got into the vaccine tents and took photographs of parents with their kids being vaccinated, but they also threatened volunteers and maligned FEMA, sponsors of the City-run clinic. We feel proud of The Chronicle, sad for the community of Cottage Grove.

John Smith, Eugene


No place for threats to volunteers, kids

Letters to the editor are personal views on local matters of current public debate or interest, generally written in 400 words or less. Letters must be from a local person and of local interest; they cannot attack or call out a person due to liability issues; and must be a thoughtful letter, and not written as a rant. Editors reserve the right to hold letters that use offensive language and mudslinging. All letters are subject to editing for clarity and length. Send to [email protected]

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