
Sweet Lorane Community News

Well, summer has finally made a statement this year. Near-100 degree heat is definitely not my favorite thing.
The summer’s events seemed to be lined up one right after another this year, with some weekends giving us a choice of where to go and what to do. I’ve already discussed the major events coming up in August and won’t go into detail in this week’s column except to say to make sure your calendar is filled on August 4 with the Lorane Community-Wide Yard Sale, the Art in the Country Festival on the campus of the Applegate Regional Theater and the Crow Grange’s “Chicken ‘n Pickin’ BBQ; On August 12, fill up that page with the Lorane Community Potluck Picnic, the Ice Cream Social and, best of all, the unveiling of the gorgeous Lorane mura at 3 p.m. It’s a must-see!
On a more somber note, our community lost one of its life-long residents in a tragic accident this past week. Bruce Malcolm suffered fatal injuries in an accident while working his land with a Cat (tractor). He was somehow thrown off and crushed. According to his wife Sharon, “Our hearts are broken and we are still in shock. Bruce was doing what he loved and died on the land he loved.”
He is survived by Sharon and their two children, James and Ashley.
Bruce’s funeral is scheduled for July 21 at 11 a.m. at Lane Memorial Gardens. Then, a Celebration of Life will be held at the Malcolm home on Fire Road with a UO Duck tailgate-themed potluck about 3:30 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to wear green and yellow, and be sure to bring your pom-poms and whatever else you’d wear to a tailgater at Autzen.
Sharon knows how much “Bruce would love that.”

A Little Bit of Lorane History
Rodney F. Schurger and Della L. Malcolm moved to the Lorane valley in 1933. According to Della, “We drove through Lorane down the Siuslaw River Road and turned left about a mile or so and came to the end of the road – and there was the farm. We fell in love with it right away. The tall trees and mountains behind it, the orchard in bloom, the river running through and the field was green with vetch and oats. We knew that it was the farm of our dreams.”
…Eventually, Della’s 15-year old brother Everett Malcolm came to live with them… In 1936, Everett Malcolm returned to California for a time to work with his father as a logger in the redwoods. It was there that he met and married Mary Meadows in 1938, and their first daughter Jo Darlene was born in 1939. Rodney Schurger wrote to Everett asking him to return to Oregon so that he could teach him the logging business.
The Malcolm family moved to Lorane and bought an acre of land from the Schurgers and built a house on the site. Their second daughter, Christine Elaine, was born in June, 1949, followed by a son Bruce James in 1950. The Malcolm’s house burned down and another house was built on the site on Fire Road. This house is where Everett and Mary’s son Bruce now lives with his wife Sharon. From Sawdust and Cider to Wine (2006)
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