
Sweet Lorane Community News

We have some really big events coming up soon in both Lorane and Crow, so I want to try and cover each of them this week.
Before I begin, I want to comment on how important it is that no matter where you live, we need to support our own communities and the fundraisers and celebrations that are taking place throughout the year. So many of us have concerns about the current national situation, but we all feel so helpless in trying to make a difference. I believe that change starts small—locally—and tends to grow from there. By participating in our own communities, we are able to discuss our differences and work together to build values and to make positive things happen. It just grows from there. So, let’s do it!
First up on my calendar is the fundraiser for Michael and Amber Matchulat on Saturday, July 7. The Lorane community is spearheading the drive. Michael has been fighting Stage 4 colorectal cancer for 3 years now and it has depleted their resources. A community benefit dinner and dance are being held at King Estate Winery where a silent auction, live auction and raffles are also being held. The 150 available tickets for the dinner have been sold out and there’s a long waiting list for cancellations, but raffle tickets are still for sale. The website link is posted on the Lorane, Oregon Facebook page. Thank you to King Estate and the hard work being done by so many people!
The 15th Annual Crow Car Show, scheduled for Saturday, July 14, is being held at the Crow High School football field this year. The proceeds from this very popular event goes towards academic as well as athletic support of all of our Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District’s students regardless of age. The car show is hosted by the Crow Booster Club that has done so much for our schools through the years. There will be a free pancake breakfast, raffles, auctions, displays and activities for the whole family… and admission is FREE! Registration and entrance forms may be downloaded at
Saturday, August 4, is proving to be a real challenge for everyone. There are 3 major local events happening that day, but as I’ve mentioned in previous articles, if you want to make a day of it, you can partake in each one.
The earliest starting time is the Lorane Community-Wide (Yard) Sale taking place at 9:00 a.m. on August 4. It will run until 3:00 p.m. There will be sales happening at the same time throughout the Lorane area and maps will be provided for those wanting to browse each one. Tables are also being rented at the Lorane Grange and I have made the lawn area around the old Dew Drop Inn, next to the Lorane Family Store, available for anyone wishing to set up tents in which they can display their wares. All rental fees will be donated to the Lorane Grange.
After finding your treasures, you can then head towards Crow were you’ll find some good times, good entertainment and good food and drink for the rest of the day.
The newest event in the area, the Art in the Country Festival, will begin at 10:00 a.m. on the grounds of the Applegate Regional Theater, north of Crow. The site is located on the corner of Central and Fleck Roads and is 2 miles south of West 11th on the grounds of the former Central Elementary School. It runs until 6:00 p.m.
The Art in the Country Festival is described as a “fine art and author” fair and will feature displays and booths with a variety of fine art produced by Oregon artists and with over 20 Oregon authors sharing and reading from their latest books. Members of the theater will offer dramatic readings, as well. It will also have a beer and wine garden, food concessions, live music, 2 entertainment stages and a kids’ fun zone.
Last, but certainly not least, is the Crow Grange’s Chicken ‘n Pickin BBQ taking place from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. that same day. Save room for dinner that includes a half chicken, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans, a roll, lemonade or coffee and ice cream. The cost is $10 per person and they are willing to package it “to go.” They will even entertain you with live music!
I’ll need to tell you all about the August 12, Lorane Ice Cream Social in next week’s column.
Congratulations to the Creswell Grange for their recent Ice Cream Social event! I understand it was a lot of fun and that quite a few of our Lorane Grange members were there to support it. That, to me, is what the growth of “community” entails. Supporting your neighbors, whenever possible, as well as your own.
Be sure to check out my personal website!

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