Since about 2010, Creswell’s Carol Campbell and company have been keeping Creswell Education Foundation (CEF) afloat, after resurrecting the nonprofit from its dormant state some years ago. The current CEF crew is the second group to take hold of the nonprofit, but their time is coming to an end as they look for others to whom to pass the baton.
Members of the current CEF board will be stepping down June 30 and are looking for others to fill their spots. Without anyone to lead the efforts, $8,000 to $10,000 in annual school curriculum support may be lost. In an era where many teachers are already forking out their own funds to supply their classrooms with things that kids need, that could be a low blow to Creswell schools.
“The days are long gone from when a classroom needed some textbooks and paper and pencils,” Campbell said. “Those simple costs have been taken over by the much larger costs of a technological world. Educators need to be able to capture student interest with exciting curriculum that opens them to a future that is often not apparent.
“I am especially proud of Creswell Education Foundation members’ work in support of local educators and the students they teach,” she said. “Our schools are supported by tax dollars but the needs are beyond those dollars.”
CEF is a local attempt to help fill this need, she said.
Also, without CEF, five $1,500 scholarships won’t be handed out to outstanding seniors at Creswell High School next year — 2017’s scholarship winners, Alyssa DuFault, Ben Hastings, Hannah Wheeler and Josie Worsham may be the last ones to receive the honor.
Current CEF board members don’t want that to happen.
Campbell is a strong advocate for community volunteerism. “I believe in community volunteerism,” Campbell said, adding that it pleases her to see so many things that community members do for others throughout the year.
It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it, she says.
“Yes, volunteering for a local organization takes time and effort,” Campbell said. “The good news is that involvement in such work also has rewards for those who choose to do it. It is a great way to meet new people who share your interest in community work.”
She invites friends to take an interest together in volunteering, to bolster one another and to take an active interest in the community they dwell in.
New ideas are welcome, but the basic working components are still intact to get the job done. Interested volunteers won’t have to reinvent the wheel — unless they want to.
“For anyone who might consider taking on CEF as we move on, I want to assure you that we have much of the basic framework for success in place,” Campbell assured. “Of course, you will make new plans and have your own great ideas, but you will have support to get started, sample documents and expertise that will be a phone call away as you learn the ins and outs of working in a nonprofit organization.”
To meet the needs above CEF commits time to fundraising, which has been done in a variety of ways over the years — bingo nights, car washes, raffles and the like.
“We also actively seek donations from local community members annually,” she said.
Additionally, CEF has an already-established plea list and bank account.
It would be beneficial for everyone involved to pass the torch instead of letting the fire burn out first. A new group of volunteers could just pick CEF up and finesse it as they please, Campbell said. If the nonprofit goes dormant again, however, those who resurrect it will have to start from scratch.
Specifically, the group is seeking a president, a vice president and an accountant.
If interested in joining CEF, or for more information, call Campbell at 541-895-3438.