
JAZZ 1 IS NO. 1!

Andrew Spriggs plays a trumpet solo on ”Mary’s Idea” as CHS Jazz Band 1 performs during the OMEA State Jazz Championships PHOTO PROVIDED/ALESHA CULP

After being inexplicably ”snubbed” by judges during a couple of competitions this year in which the group usually places well, Creswell High School’s Jazz Band 1 had their musical skill and dedication vindicated by winning the 3A division during the OMEA State Jazz Championships, held May 19 at Mt. Hood Community College.
”This was a spectacular end to a competition season that has known the frustration of not seeing the results we have expected from (some) scoring judges,” said Creswell Music Boosters President Mandy Hoggard.
Directed by Sandi Green, Jazz 1 opened with ”Celia,” featuring a tenor sax solo by Matt Foster. Next came ”Mary’s Idea,” with a trumpet solo by Andrew Spriggs, a clarinet solo by Blake Nelson and piano solo by Katie Culp.
They closed their set with ”Bemsha Swing,” featuring a trumpet solo by Justin O’Reilly, a drum solo by Zach Wichman, a vibraphone solo by Jackson Velarde and a soprano sax solo by Nelson.
”The comments from the adjudicators gave high praise to the musicality of our student musicians,” Hoggard said.
Jazz 1 members include Zach Culp (drums), Zach Wichman (drums), Aubrie Hatch (bass), Zach Schmidt (guitar), Izzy Ramirez (bari sax), Destin Halvorson (alto sax), Amy Myers (tenor sax), Nathaniel Diamond (bass trombone), Cole Hicks (trumpet), Hallie Drago (trumpet), Andrew Spriggs (trumpet), Javier Fregoso (trombone), Josiah Lee (trombone), Joshua Jenkins (trombone), Katie Culp (piano), Mathieu Foster (tenor sax), Justin O’Reilly (trumpet), Blake Nelson (alto sax, soprano sax, clarinet), Jackson Velarde (vibraphone) and Autumn Bastian (trumpet).
Jazz 1 qualified for state based on their scores at a district jazz competition held April 6 at Springfield High School.
Jazz State capped the competitive season for the Creswell Music Program.
”It’s always hard to see our seniors have their last competitive performance – but many of our seniors are pursing music in their post-secondary pursuits,” Hoggard said. ”All these student musicians are a true joy to work with and represent Creswell admirably.”
The competition season may be over, but community members can still enjoy these students’ musical talents – and a Music Boosters hotdog barbecue – during the annual Spring Jam at 7 p.m. on June 1 in the school courtyard.
Jazz 1 has also been invited to play during Lane Community College’s Spring Concert on June 6 in the LCC Performance Hall. ”One of our own alumni, James Burgess, plays in their jazz ensemble,” Hoggard noted.

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