City & Government, Creswell

Meet the candidates: Mark Kremer for Creswell City Council

Name: Mark Kremer
Age: 48
Hometown: Creswell
Marital status: Married
Partner occupation: Banking
Children: 26, 22, and 13
Neighborhood: Northside
Employer and occupation: Earth Lab Botanicals
Public sector work experience: 8 years US Army/National Guard
Private sector work experience: 23 years of production/manufacturing
Elected office held, with dates: N/A
Unsuccessful runs for office, with dates: N/A
One word to describe your leadership style: Direct
One word to describe you at your best: Responsibly
One word to describe you at your worst: Woo

I’m a hard-working American worker. I believe in faith, family, and country. With the support of my wife, family, friends, and residents of Creswell, I am (ready) to start my public service. … Safety is a top priority, as we need to be able to serve the city in a safe manner.  

Mark Kremer, Creswell city council candidate

Read the Q&A with all candidates here and visit under the City Government for more candidate biographies and columns.

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