Name: Greg Ervin
Age: 38
Hometown: Cottage Grove
Marital status: Married
Partner occupation: Homemaker
Children: Ages 11, 9, 8, and 6, homeschooled
Ward/neighborhood: Ward 4
Employer and occupation: Partner in United ACA Solutions LLC
Public sector work experience: Chair of Lane Economic Committee, Cottage Grove Community Foundation board member, Cottage Grove Budget Committee
Private sector work experience: Restaurant server, network administrator, IT director, ACA consultant
Elected office held: Ward 4 city councilor, 2018–present, and council president, 2023–present.
Unsuccessful runs for office, with dates: 4th grade Class Representative (1994-1995)
One word to describe your leadership style: Servant leadership
One word to describe you at your best: Humble
One word to describe you at your worst: Impatient
Ervin did not submit a column. Read the Q&A with all candidates here and other candidate biographies and columns on under the City Government tab.