
Chronicle earns 24 awards

Judges recognize paper for its journalism, photography, special sections in 2023

BEND – The Chronicle earned 24 awards for our journalism in 2023, announced during the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association’s two-day conference this past weekend at Eagle Crest Resort.

The Chronicle – a locally owned newspaper that covers hyper-local news and information for Springfield, Cottage Grove, Creswell, and Pleasant Hill – has received 85 ONPA Better Newspaper Contest awards since 2019. The weekly paper earned 8 awards in 2019; 18 awards in ’20; 14 awards in ’21; 21 awards for ’22; and now 24 for our work in ’23. The Chronicle also earned more than a dozen advertising awards. 

The ONPA reciprocates with another state journalism organization each year for judging; Texas was ONPA’s judging partner this year.

“We have a collection of talent that inspires and amazes me on a weekly basis, and it is gratifying to see their talent recognized by others in our industry,” said Erin Tierney-Heggenstaller, the paper’s executive editor. “Our community-minded, solution-oriented, professional approach to coverage differentiates our team.”

The judges cited photographer Bob Williams’ work covering the southern Willamette Valley seven times – three first-place, one second-place, and three third-place awards. Ron Hartman won two second-place and one third-place award for his feature writing.

The Fall Sports Preview won first place for Special Section/Issue. The 32-page special section dedicated to every boys and girls fall sport at Springfield, Thurston, Creswell, Cottage Grove, and Pleasant Hill high schools was published in two 16-page sections. The first section, dedicated to football and sponsored by Prime Time Sports Bar & Grill, featured SHS head coach Frank Geske on the cover, heading into his first year with the Millers. The second section, dedicated to all other fall sports and sponsored by Olsson Electric and, featured PHHS volleyball players Clare Crawford and Cheyenne Green on the cover, who led PHHS to a state runner-up finish.

Williams, a Cottage Grove native, won first-place awards for Best News Photo (Egg Hunt), Best Sports Photo (Thurston football dejection), and Best Photo Essay (holiday images). He earned seven awards overall.

A significant body of work was not entered into the contest after documented acts of plagiarism by former news reporter Ryleigh Norgrove were uncovered in March. The Chronicle did not enter any work by Norgrove during her tenure through May 2023. All of Norgrove’s work has also been removed from and all known people affected by her actions have been notified.

Second-place awards

• Best Feature Story: Biggest story ever told in Cottage Grove (Ron Hartman)

• Best Feature Personality: Nobody walks the walk quite like Holub family (Ron Hartman)

• Best Lifestyle Coverage: Athletic Director series (Pierre Weil)

• Best Local Column: Noel Nash

• Best Sports Story: Chasing history: Springfield’s own taking state by storm at Marist (Pierre Weil)

• Best Government Coverage: Creswell City Council backpedals on appointment of unhoused woman (Amanda Lurey)

• Best Graphic: Creswell Yard Sale Map

• Best Feature Photo: July 4 Fireworks (Bob Williams)

• Best Sports Photo: SHS girls win state title (Pierre Weil)

Third-place awards

• General Excellence (Staff)

• Best Special Section/Issue: Class Acts: Graduation 2023 (Staff)

• Best Feature Story: Recounting peaks and valleys of the Pacific Crest Trail (Ron Hartman)

• Best Local Column: Michael Dunne

• Best Sports Story: Ready to repeat: Springfield star Romero-Ah Sam shoots even higher (Pierre Weil)

• Best Spot News Coverage: Annis earns milestone victory as Thurston’s first 3-time state champ (Pierre Weil)

• Best Page One Design: Feb. 16; Sept. 7; Nov. 30 (Erin Tierney-Heggenstaller)

• Best Feature Photo: Bridge in Fall (Bob Williams)

• Best News Photo: MLK Day (Bob Williams)

• Best Photo Essay: Dia de los Muertos (Bob Williams)

• Best Online Multimedia Element: Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. (Bobby Stevens)

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