By Nancy Mills, League of Women Voters of Lane County
The League of Women Voters of Lane County (LWVLC) wants to help you prepare for the primary election coming soon on May 21. It is a nonpartisan political organization dedicated to helping voters become informed about and actively participate in government.

The League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. However, the League does advocate for important social policy issues but only after rigorous study and a consensus building review by members.
The League of Women Voters produces a digital voting guide called Vote411 ( Vote411 offers “one-stop shopping” for both candidates and issues on your ballot.
Enter your address and a customized set of information relevant to your location is created. All candidates have been asked to respond to questions from the League; names and associated statements, if provided, for those running in the election will be listed. There is an exception in closed primary states, like Oregon. If you are not registered with a political party (referred to as unaffiliated) then you will not be able to participate in any of the partisan primary elections and will not receive information for those races. Vote411 also has explanations of ballot measures, including the background of the measure, predicted cost, and statements by supporters and opponents.
You may update your voter registration through 8 p.m. Election Day and receive a ballot. If you need to reactivate or change your registration after the last day ballots are mailed on May 16, you have to come in person to receive a ballot. You will need to re-register if you have changed your address or wish to change your political party affiliation that would allow you to vote in a primary.
For citizens of Springfield, there is measure 20-351 for a general obligation bond to fix streets in Springfield. The measure would authorize the City to issue $20,000,000 of general obligation bonds to fix deteriorating streets. If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership. The city anticipates levying taxes for five years to repay the bonds at a tax rate of is $0.74 per $1000 of assessed value, or about $135 per year ($11.25 per month) for the average Springfield homeowner.
The website for the City of Springfield has more details, including the streets to be affected. City voters previously approved a 5-year, $10 million bond in 2018 for the preservation and rehabilitation of collector and arterial streets. All the approved projects to be funded by those bonds were completed from 2019 to 2022.
Residents of the Mohawk Valley have an opportunity to weigh in with measure 20-353 on a proposed levy for the Rural Fire District to provide funding for two additional employees along with an innovative program to provide 3 students training for careers in EMS/fire service with lodging, reimbursement for food and up to $10,000 in tuition. The intent is that the fire and medical needs of the area would be covered 24 hours/day, 7 days/week with paid staff. The number of volunteers has dropped while the need has grown.
For both of these measures, you can find additional information, including the cost of the measure and statements from supporters and opponents at
Nancy Mills serves on the board of the League of Women Voters of Lane County. [email protected]