SPRINGFIELD — Most days, it is so easy to zip through your surroundings, unaware of the natural beauty unfolding around you. The drive to work or grocery store becomes monotonous and automatic; same drive, different day. Your walks around town turn into an uninspired chore; gotta walk the dog, gotta pick up the kids. But there are those moments of quiet, cognizant observation— moments of a calm beauty when one feels wholly immersed in their surroundings. This scene captured by Chronicle photographer Bob Williams last weekend shows Springfield’s Main Street Bridge enveloped in an autumnal spectacle. The smells of once-flowering gardens have been replaced with the earthy, crisp aroma of fall foliage. The bleached grass once scorched by heat and thirst just a couple of months ago is now vibrant and cushy like a sponge. We’ve set the clocks back one hour, and for just a short time longer, our everyday lives will be filled with contrasts of russet, scarlet, sepia, gamboge, and crimson hues. Take stock in the color of your life; it truly is a vibrant, ever-changing world we live in.