Public Safety & Health

Police logs: week of May 18


MONDAY, MAY 8 (71 total calls)

Top calls: Warrant service (9), Traffic stop (8), Dispute (8)

9:20 am: Animal abuse, 3783 International Ct.

11:01 am: Missing person(s), 361 S. 70th St.

11:53 am: Theft, 333 58th St.

12:07 pm: Fraud, 4823 G St.

12:16 pm: Hit & run, 4252 Main St.

2:05 pm: Fraud, 1217 R St.

3:51 pm: Theft, 2659 Olympic St.

4:32 pm: Fraud, 6194 E St.

5:34 pm: Criminal trespass, 1084 Postal Way

10:36 pm: DUII, Mohawk Blvd./Olympic St.


Top calls: Traffic stop (6), Criminal trespass (6), Warrant service (5)

11:51 am: Theft, Gateway St./Oakdale Ave.

12:08 pm: Found contraband, 2265 Don St.

12:31 pm: Fraud, 5703 High Banks Rd.

2:34 pm: Animal cruelty, 1920 Olympic St.

4:38 pm: Unattended child(ren), 1650 I St.

6:20 pm: Assault, 6341 F St.

7:18 pm: Reckless driving, 623 I-105 WB

7:37 pm: Criminal trespass, 2867 Fenya St.

9:37 pm: Theft, 2750 Gateway St.

10:03 pm: DUII, Main St./S. 32nd St.


Top calls: Traffic stop (21), Dispute (8), Criminal trespass (6) 

2:50 am: Dispute, 3105 Gateway St.

6:07 am: Criminal trespass, 1891 Pioneer Parkway East

8:28 am: ATL drunk driver, Mohawk Blvd./I-105 EB

12:59 pm: Disorderly subject, 1526 Main St.

1:32 pm: Dog(s) at large, 4580 Aster St.

1:59 pm: Vicious dog(s), 6330 Main St.

2:30 pm: Stolen vehicle, 4675 Main St.

2:44 pm: Animal cruelty, 1920 Olympic St.

3:09 pm: Forgery, 3000 Gateway St.

5:44 pm: ATL drunk driver, 905 I-105 EB

8:40 pm: Stolen vehicle, 969 Kruse Way

11:21 pm: Shot(s) fired, 2211 Laura St.

THURSDAY, MAY 11 (105)

Top calls: Traffic stop (27), Criminal trespass (7), Suspicious conditions (7) 

8:36 am: Graffiti calls, 4110 Olympic St.

8:48 am: Criminal trespass, 1162 B St.

11:46 am: Hit & run, 1521 Mohawk Blvd.

12:17 pm: Theft, 650 Q St.

1:37 pm: Graffiti calls, 4181 E St.

2:46 pm: Burglary, 1870 15th St.

2:51 pm: Hit & run, 6 W. Q St.

4:11 pm: Theft, 2659 Olypmic St.

5:10 pm: Animal cruelty, 1790 Kellogg Rd.

5:56 pm: Violation of city ordinance, 1436 Main St.

9:25 pm: DUII, 5th St./Centennial Blvd.

9:29 pm: Driving while suspended, 1891 Pioneer Parkway East

10:23 pm: DUII, 4100-block Camellia St.

10:31 pm: Missing person(s), 1526 Main St.

FRIDAY, MAY 12 (122)

Top calls: Traffic stop (31), Subpoena service (8), Driving while suspended (6)

1:05 am: Disorderly subject, 1460 G St.

9:51 am: Theft, 333 58th St.

10:51 am: Subpoena service, 4094 Camellia St.

11:06 am: Subpoena service, 6716 Aster St.

11:10 am: Subpoena service, 127 S. 67th St.

11:31 am: Subpoena service, 361 S. 70th St.

11:41 am: Subpoena service, 7015 D St.

11:45 am: Hit & run, 1499 Mohawk Blvd.

11:52 am: Disorderly juvenile, 700 1st St.

12:37 pm: ATL drunk driver, Gateway St./Gateway Lp.

1:43 pm: Hit & run, 2659 Olympic St.

2:15 pm: Subpoena service, 418 8th St.

2:18 pm: Nuisance vehicle, Osprey Dr./Parker Ln.

3:37 pm: Subpoena service, 210 S. 47th St.

3:43 pm: Animal cruelty, 2750 Gateway St.

3:54 pm: Subpoena service, 5335 Main St.

4:02 pm: Seized property, 734 Mill St.

4:31 pm: DUII, Main St./S. 67th St.

4:44 pm: Hit & run, 3000 Gateway St.

5:52 pm: ATL drunk driver, Olympic St./21st St.

8:43 pm: Stolen vehicle, 506 W. Centennial Blvd.

9:33 pm: DUII, D St./Pioneer Parkway West

10:04 pm: Theft, 2659 Olympic St.

11:31 pm: ATL drunk driver, 340 Marche Chase Dr., Eugene

SATURDAY, MAY 13 (100)

Top calls: Dispute (12), Disorderly subject (8), Theft (8) 

2:00 am: DUII, I-105 Mohawk Blvd.

8:24 am: Careless driving, Thurston Rd./65th Pl.

8:59 am: License plate theft, 3301 Main St.

9:07 am: Criminal trespass, 506 W. Centennial Blvd.

9:27 am: Theft, 5744 Main St.

10:32 am: Burglary, 5717 Main St.

11:18 am: Menacing, 615 I-105 EB

1:43 pm: Disorderly subject, 4223 Main St.

2:26 pm: Theft, 2525 Olympic St.

3:24 pm: Criminal trespass, 2119 L St.

3:48 pm: Theft, 1920 Olympic St.

4:28 pm: Disorderly subject, 361 S. 70th St.

6:24 pm: Unattended child(ren), 342 T St.

7:41 pm: DUII, B St./54th St.

9:32 pm: Illegal fireworks, S. 32nd St./Main St.

10:15 pm: Vicious dog(s), 6895 Thurston Rd.

11:43 pm: Assault, 1276 G St.

SUNDAY, MAY 14 (70)

Top calls: Traffic stop (10), Alarm (6), Dispute (5)

12:23 am: DUII, 5th St./Broadway

2:40 am: DUII, 21st St./J St.

6:54 am: Burglary, 900 Beltline Rd.

11:41 am: Weapons offense, 2700-block Main St.

1:04 pm: Criminal trespass, 3375 Gateway St.

1:48 pm: Hit & run, 1795 5th St.

2:59 pm: Theft, 4555 Main St.

4:14 pm: Hit & run, 623 48th St.

5:47 pm: Animal cruelty, 3315 Gateway St.

9:06 pm: Disorderly subject, 7077 Main St.



10:53 am: Repossession, 210 A St.

2:07 pm: Forgery, 300 N. Mill St.

5:50 pm: Vehicle stop, 400 A St.

10:04 pm: Vehicle stop, S. 3rd St./D St.

11:10 pm: Vehicle stop, I-5/E. Oregon Ave.

11:51 pm: Vehicle stop, 33390 Niblock Ln.


12:08 am: Vehicle stop, 83501 Melton Rd.

4:34 pm: Vicious dog, 500 A St.

5:09 pm: Disorderly juvenile, 400 A St.

5:53 pm: Disorderly subject, 93 N. Mill St.


1:54 am: Vehicle stop, 175 E. Oregon Ave.

7:34 am: Vehicle stop, 305 E. Oregon Ave.

8:52 am: Vehicle stop, S. Front St./W. Oregon Ave.

9:47 am: Trespassing, 185 N. Mill St.

4:45 pm: Vehicle stop, 1204 Creswood Dr.

6:05 pm: Alarm, 490 Art Lott Ln.

6:48 pm: Court, 13 S. 1st St.

8:55 pm: Hit & run, 83301 Dale Kuni Rd.


11:32 am: Check welfare, Scott Ln./S. 10th St.

4:20 pm: Overdue subject, 600 St. Andrews Lp.

5:31 pm: Hit & run, 83301 Dale Kuni Rd.

5:38 pm: Disorderly subject, 400 A St.

9:54 pm: Vehicle stop, E. Oregon Ave./N. Mill St.


8:35 pm: Dispute, 100 D St.

8:53 pm: Dispute, 300 Gilfry Ave.

10:06 pm: Dispute, 101 N. 10th St.

11:12 pm: ATL drunk driver, Creswell


11:53 am: Unattended child(ren), N. 5th St./W. Oregon Ave.

12:12 pm: Unlawful use of vehicle, 270 S. Mill St.

12:15 pm: Towed vehicle, 305 E. Oregon Ave.

1:54 pm: License plate theft, 300 Creswood Dr.

2:33 pm: Car accident, no injury, S. 10th St./W. Oregon Ave.


8:07 am: Vehicle stop, 600 Dale Kuni Rd.

10:28 am: Vehicle stop, 456 Blue Jay Lp.

3:27 pm: Dispute, 500 N. 1st St.

5:43 pm: Vehicle stop, E. Oregon Ave./S. Mill St.

5:47 pm: Vehicle stop, 93 N. Mill St.

6:02 pm: Vehicle stop, Hwy. 99/Martin Rd.

6:40 pm: Dog at large, I-5/E. Oregon Ave.

8:29 pm: Dead subject, 100 N. 7th St.


MONDAY, MAY 8 (155)

Medical responses: 123

7:32 am: Fire alarm, 3333 Riverbend Dr., Springfield

7:36 am: Fire alarm, 682 36th St.., Springfield

10:22 am: Car accident, injury unknown, I-5 NB connector/I-105 WB, Springfield

11:40 am: Assist police, 1205 Hwy. 99, Cottage Grove

12:06 pm: Vehicle fire, 1010-block 7th St., Springfield

2:41 pm: Car accident, 21st St./L St., Springfield

4:27 pm: Smoke from a structure, S. 41st St./Forsythia St., Springfield

5:33 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, McKenzie Hwy./Deerhorn Rd., Springfield

7:38 pm: Down line, Adams Ave./S. 10th St., Cottage Grove

TUESDAY, MAY 9 (153)

Medical responses: 120

2:36 am: Vehicle fire, Marcola Rd./Camp Creek Rd., Springfield

8:26 am: Car accident, injury unknown, Mohawk Blvd./Olympic St.

9:36 am: Assault with injury, 1000 Taylor Ave., Cottage Grove

10:14 am: Car accident, injury unknown, Ellmaker Rd./England Lp., Veneta

10:46 am: Assist police, 14th St./A St., Springfield

12:16 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, Parkway Rd./Hwy. 58, Pleasant Hill

12:32 pm: Fire alarm, 611 Water St., Springfield

1:38 pm: Fire alarm, 4181 E St., Springfield

2:56 pm: Assist police, 506 W. Centennial Blvd., Springfield

3:21 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, Pioneer Parkway West/I-105 EB, Springfield

5:27 pm: Trash bin fire, 33830 Orchard Ave., Creswell

5:56 pm: Small aircraft problem, Cloverdale Rd./Hendricks Rd., Creswell


Medical responses: 147

7:29 am: Car accident, injury unknown, Mohawk Blvd./I-105 EB, Springfield

8:07 am: Bike accident, 650 Q St., Springfield

10:03 am: Vehicle fire, 16800 I-5 NB, Cottage Grove

1:14 pm: Fire alarm, 2097 Carver St., Cottage Grove

5:52 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, Hwy. 58/MP11, Dexter

6:57 pm: Brush fire, 4th St./G St., Springfield

10:58 pm: Assault with injury, 3752 International Ct., Springfield

THURSDAY, MAY 11 (176)

Medical responses: 147

7:03 am: Unknown-type fire, S. 70th St./Main St., Springfield

2:05 pm: Assist police, 90212 Hill Rd., Springfield

7:53 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, 28889 Cottage Grove Lorane Rd., Cottage Grove

FRIDAY, MAY 12 (219)

Medical responses: 172 

2:31 pm: Vehicle fire, 437 I-105 EB, Springfield

4:17 pm; Car accident, injury unknown, 79980 Delight Valley School Rd., Cottage Grove

4:31 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, Main St./S. 67th St., Springfield

4:41 pm: Bike accident, 4796 Daisy St., Springfield

4:59 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, Row River Rd./Rat Creek Rd., Cottage Grove

5:40 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, 344 A St., Springfield

SATURDAY, MAY 13 (206)

Medical responses: 144

5:14 am: Car accident, injury unknown, 84843-block Parkway Rd., Pleasant Hill

8:24 am: Car accident, injury unknown, Thurston Rd./65th Pl., Springfield

12:36 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, 5755 Main St., Springfield

3:20 pm: Check for smoke, 500-block E. 1st St., Lowell

4:44 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, 5798 Mica St., SPR

6:01 pm: Vehicle fire, 6 W. Q St., SPR

7:40 pm: Car accident with injury, B St./54th St., Springfield

8:39 pm: Car accident, no injury, Main St./S. 47th St., Springfield

9:00 pm: Assault with injury, 25792 Wiggins Ln., Veneta

9:07 pm: Assist police, 6704 Aster St., Springfield

9:48 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, 36915 Row River Rd., Cottage Grove

11:01 pm: Brush fire, Hayden Bridge Way/5th St., Springfield

11:55 pm: Assist police, 1143 L St., Springfield

SUNDAY, MAY 14 (203)

Medical responses: 152

6:40 am: Appliance fire, 1078 16th St., Springfield

9:14 am: Structure fire, 1611 18th St., Springfield

2:06 pm: Brush fire, 37755 Hwy, 58, Dexter

3:46 pm: Electrical problem, 1220 Hwy. 99, Cottage Grove

4:30 pm: Structure fire, 82261 Butte Rd., Creswell

4:45 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, 1441 N St., Springfield

4:54 pm: Brush fire, Hwy. 99/Market Rd., Creswell

5:02 pm: Car accident, injury unknown, Main St./Bob Straub Pkwy., Springfield



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