Opinion & Editorial

My promise to you: A love letter to Lane County

If you are reading this, then I appreciate you. 

There is an endless amount of content you could be consuming but right now, at this very moment, you are taking the time out of your day to read my first column on the opinion page in a locally owned newspaper. 

That is one of the many things I have observed and love about Lane County: most residents seem to truly care about their communities and the people in it.

Eugene and Springfield gave me a home when I needed one the most. In 2020, Covid disrupted my life  similar to many others – like a relentless tornado. Things were being taken from us right before our very eyes and all we could do was hopelessly watch. We were scared, and hoped ourselves and the people we loved would not meet a fate similar to the Wicked Witch of the East. 

My boyfriend and I were not ready to leave Southern California. Everything I had ever known and my dreams for the future stemmed from the seeds I had planted there my whole life. Covid ripped out our roots right from underneath us, and it was only through random happenstance that we decided to move to Oregon.

Because after a catastrophe, what else were we to do? We could have stayed buried underneath the wreckage, but instead we ventured outside our hometown to see what else the world had to offer. 

We packed up our lives (and our little dogs, too), and made our way up the Golden State all the way to the Emerald City. 

Life felt still for a while as we waited out Covid purgatory. It was as if we were all in the Witch of the South’s kingdom full of porcelain people. Everyone was cautious and fragile – too delicate to touch. 

This past year, the Emerald City finally seemed to sparkle again. For the first time, I really got to know the town and experience life in Lane County as it should be alongside people willing to embrace life again. 

Here are just a few things about this community I have observed, experienced, and grown to love. 

I may not be a sports fan, but the spirit this town has for its college football team is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It makes me smile to know I am constantly surrounded by a sea of green and yellow. 

I am still discovering local businesses that I never knew existed but I am glad that they do.  Each one I am introduced to, whether it is a coffee shop, a boutique store, or a restaurant, has its own unique charm that you just cannot find at bigger franchises.

The streets are lined with gorgeous art and murals. Some are political. Some are fun and goofy. Some are just downright gorgeous. I will take a beautiful work of art over blank, white walls any day. 

Every venue, big or small, has its own special vibes, and offers a wide selection of live entertainment. I’ve observed producers, promoters, technicians, and local artists who hustle hard to make events as enjoyable and accessible as possible. This is important now more than ever as we come together again after years of being stuck inside staring at screens. 

This probably goes without saying, but the nature in this area is stunning. As someone who grew up surrounded by palm trees, fake grass, and carefully curated scenery, I am still blown away by the natural beauty that grows around us. 

Many people think I have overly romanticized small-town life, but to the contrary I believe I see this community exactly as it is – problems and everything. 

As a Filipina woman, the lack of diversity in this area of Oregon has been brought to my attention many times. The homeless rates in Lane County are high, and of course small-town gossip in many circles turns to untrue facts. 

I recognize that there are still so many ways we can improve as a community. We still have a long road ahead of us before we have fully recovered from the pandemic’s impact.

People are not just rebuilding their lives, however. People are reinventing themselves as they realize what it means to live a life worth living, and how to contribute better to a community worth living in. 

Myself included. 

As a performer, an event coordinator, and now, a writer for this newspaper, this is the promise I can make to you, Lane County.

I promise to share your stories truthfully, and with integrity. I want to continue to highlight and praise the beautiful aspects of this community without ignoring the issues we can do something about. 

I want to do anything in my power to help people feel seen and heard regardless of age, race, gender, or sexual orientation. 

I will encourage marginalized groups to grow and blossom in this community because I believe the contributions they make to Lane County will only continue to make us stronger. 

And finally, I promise that I will always use my voice and the platforms I have to uplift this community the best that I can using my courage, wisdom, and love. 

Because unlike Dorothy, I do not need to click my heels and wish for home. 



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