PHOTO PROVIDED – Nathan Griffiths, a senior at Thurston High School, found a unique way to ask his girlfriend, Courtney Tiernan, to prom this week.
THURSTON — Nathan Griffiths, a senior at Thurston High School, took his “promposal” to new heights this week.
“I wanted to do something that was big because we got gypped out a lot from COVID these last few years. Why not go big or go home?,” Griffiths said.
In the wee hours of March 28, Griffiths and a friend propped a ladder on the back half of the Thurston High School building, shimmied up the ladder and duct-taped a sign from the roof of the high school that read “Prom?”
“I wanted to make it so that absolutely everyone that goes to school and anyone that drives by would see it,” he said. In the middle of the “O” was a drawing of a koi fish, something he knew his girlfriend of four months, Courtney Tiernan, would recognize immediately as Griffith’s doing.
“I was talking to Courtney about getting a tattoo of that koi fish,” he said. “Her name’s not on it, but I drew in the koi fish so that she would realize that it was for her.”
It was one of those “ask for forgiveness, not permission” acts — one that the school didn’t seem to bothered by. “The school was not too angry about it considering they took it down and put it in the meeting room of the school,” he said.
With a “promposal” like this, who could say no? Tiernan said “yes” of course, and the couple eagerly awaits their “Enchanted Garden” themed Prom on April 23.