Opinion & Editorial

Letters: ‘Pride of ownership,’ ‘real news’ in community

Pride of ownership, commitment ‘evident’

Dear Editor:

I was the community reporter, news clerk at The Springfield News from 2004 until its closing in 2006. Like you, my editor Finn John, was committed to bringing local news and feature stories to the community his newspaper served. In fact, he felt this obligation so strongly that he thought the newspaper should be free to its citizens, that they should not have to pay to read about the local goings-on.

The Chronicle reminds me of The Springfield News in the way it stays true to its commitment to bring the best local news reporting, sports stories and feature writing to its community. I was proud to write for The Springfield News. Your pride of ownership is evident in every issue of The Chronicle.

Janice Strupp, Eugene


Bringing ‘real news’ to the community

Dear Editor:

The publisher and his staff have kept The Chronicle true to its mission of local news. 

The photo of the officer who was killed was meaningful to me. We had just moved to Creswell, and the officer’s daughter was a first grader and I taught her in music class.

I have saved The Chronicle papers for years and I am still doing it. So, thank you for bringing us the real news!

Mary Ellen Yost, Creswell


How to submit ‘Letters to the Editor’

Letters to the editor are personal views on local matters of current public debate or interest, generally written in 500 words or less. Letters must be from a local person and of local interest; they cannot attack or call out a person due to liability issues; and must be a thoughtful letter, and not written as a rant.

Editors reserve the right to hold letters that use offensive language and mudslinging. All letters are subject to editing for clarity and length.

For verification, all letters must be signed and include an address and phone number. If a letter cannot be verified, it will not be published. 

Send to [email protected] or drop it off at The Chronicle office, 655 A St., Suite E, Springfield by noon on Monday to be printed that week.



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