Opinion & Editorial

Charismatic Libra-Monkey & family dynamics

A reader born under the sun sign Libra during the lunar Year of the Monkey, asked about the dynamics between her family members and herself. Her daughter was born under the sun sign Sagittarius during the lunar Year of the Dragon; her father born a Leo during the Year of the Dragon; and her husband was born under the sun sign Gemini during the lunar Year of the Sheep. The Libra-Monkey wondered how the two Dragons in her life and her Sheep husband do as a combo.

Libra-Monkeys are polite, beautiful, a delight to adore, and they are naturally smart. Their gentleness and grace often distract the public from realizing their intelligence and leadership qualities at first sight, but after observing the Libra-Monkey in action, their intelligence is obvious. Libra-Monkeys have so much charm and charisma they can just about achieve anything they attempt. Do not underestimate a Libra-Monkey, if they focus on their goals, they achieve great heights. Famous Libra-Monkeys include British Prime Minister Theresa May, actresses Carrie Fisher, Linda Hamilton, Naomi Watts, Kim Kardashian, and singers Ashanti and Cardi B.

Dragons and Monkeys are very compatible, and two Dragons can work together well. The reader, and her Sagittarius-Dragon daughter and Leo-Dragon father could make quite a team. Leo-Dragons are bold and noticeable. When they enter a room, people notice. They are excellent entrepreneurs and they take charge in any situation. Leo-Dragons command a stage, create success in an organized and forceful way, and they will not be contradicted.

A Leo-Dragon would undoubtedly adore his charming Libra-Monkey daughter, he would be fascinated by her beauty, talents and skills, and would be proud of her grace and good taste. Famous Leo-Dragons include singer Eddie Fisher, businessman Jimmy Dean, artist Andy Warhol, and film director Stanley Kubrick.

The Sagittarius-Dragon daughter is more outspoken, opinionated, outgoing, and louder than her Libra-Monkey mother, but she is kind-hearted, and she will defend her friends and family at a moment’s notice.

Dragons lose their temper occasionally, but they do not carry grudges. When the Dragon begins to breathe fire, attempting to extinguish the fire is futile; stand out of their way until their flames cool down on their own. Afterward, all will be well again. Dragons need to breathe fire every now and then, it’s their nature. Famous Sagittarius-Dragons include actresses Vanessa Hudgens, Anna Faris, and Marisa Tomei.

Gemini-Sheep are smart and funny. They are excellent speakers, writers, teachers or politicians. 

A Gemini-Sheep’s style is refined, and the Libra-Monkey wife and Gemini-Sheep husband will appreciate each other’s style, and they can depend on each other to deliver what they promise. Both do better when they work with a partner or a team. The Gemini-Sheep may have more energy and diverse ambition than the Libra-Monkey needs for happiness, but she knows how to successfully support the energy. Famous Gemini-Sheep include comedian Dana Carvey and broadcaster Anderson Cooper.

Send questions about your lunar sign, and I will answer them in this column. Please send your questions and your birth date to [email protected]. For private consultations, please visit my website at YourMoonSign.com

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