Opinion & Editorial

Letter to the Editor: Visit the Annual Harvest Dinner and Country Store

Dear Editor,

Nov. 2 is an important Friday in the life of the church family at Creswell Presbyterian Church. The church has a long and proud history of reaching out to the community, and beyond, and everyone is encouraged to attend.
Each year on the first Friday of November people are invited to come and eat a complete turkey dinner at the annual Harvest Dinner. (See ad for details.) Behind the scenes it has been an ”all hands on deck” event with members of the congregation preparing by making many calls, advertising, shopping, moving furniture, cleaning, setting tables, cooking, baking and arranging flowers.
This is done in anticipation YOU will attend and enjoy delicious food as you share the company and friendship of others.
Throughout the day before the dinner, you may come to The Country Store. A group of talented women have worked all year sewing and crafting with the results being a wonderful display of items to sell, including homemade baked delicacies. This group is passionate about raising money for the many local missions to which they donate. Many things make great gifts. Add to that, one fortunate raffle ticket winner will be the happy owner of a beautiful, handmade, queen size quilt!
An event such as this takes a great deal of planning and by the end of the evening church members have a right to be tired. However, when you attend you will see smiles of joy and feel the love extended to each other and those attending. It is amazing how good the food is, especially for the price; how professional the crafts are made; and how many people are fed by a relatively small church!
For many, this is an annual event they do not want to miss. I urge you to continue the tradition or begin a new one in this harvest season. You won’t go away hungry or unhappy!

Joan Travis Kelley
Member of Creswell
Presbyterian Church

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