
Sweet Lorane Community News

Lorane and Crow areas have some upcoming events that I need to tell you about this week.
I’m a little late in getting this info out, but if you’re interested, you will only miss the first of several video/discussion classes on Bible study. Randy and Marty Eschleman will be leading the classes.
“Ever thought you would like to read through the Bible at least once in your life? You can cross this off your bucket list by joining us for an informal video/discussion class called ‘The Story,’ starting Sept. 23, 2018, 5 p.m.,” said Marty Eschleman. The classes will be held in the dining room of the Lorane Christian Church.
The Crow community is spearheading a large fundraiser for one of its own. Crow High School graduate, Cody Tripp, battled cancer throughout his high school years and still managed to graduate on time with his Class of 2013. A year later, he was pronounced cancer-free. Unfortunately, his cancer has returned. While he has health insurance to help cover treatment, there are many extra costs for him including travel expenses to the treatment center 130 miles away and lost wages.
A dinner is being held on Saturday, Oct. 27, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Crow Grange in his name. The proceeds will help defray some of these expenses. The dinner will include a full Swiss steak dinner and homemade pumpkin pie. There will be door and raffle prizes, live music and a silent auction. For more information, please contact organizer, Patrick Dearth (541-520-5383) or Connie Suing (541-556-2609). The Crow and Lorane areas have already proven they have huge hearts and take care of their own. Let’s do it again!
Member of Lorane, Kate Morrow, wants me to pass on the following information… The Desperados Co-ed Drill Team and Riding Club invites interested horse lovers to join in the fun. They are offering a seven week walk/trot “Intro to Drill Team 101” course. The classes will be held on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at the Oregon Horse Center’s Prairie Arena at 90751 Prairie road in Eugene. Oct. 1 is a free ride, but if you want to continue, the charge for the remaining six classes is $60 per person. You must provide your own well-mannered horse (no stallions) and it is open to ages 12 to adult. Those under 18 years of age must wear a helmet and have a legal adult guardian present. Oh! To be young again! One of the things I miss most is being able to ride my horse.
The Lorane dinner and bingo night sponsored by the Lorane Grange will begin another round of fun monthly evenings on Friday, Oct. 19. I believe that the dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. and bingo will get started at 6:30. I’ll have more definite details closer to the date.
I’ve been working steadily on the 2018 Groundwaters anthology this past month and a half, and almost have it completed. It will be another good one with at least 60 contributing local authors and poets. We hope to have another Groundwaters LIVE! event to launch the book at the Applegate Regional Theater on Sunday, Oct. 21. The books will be available at the event. More details will follow when we have them.
Enjoy our beautiful fall weather!

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