The Creswell School Board unanimously voted to approve the 2018-19 board and annual resolutions during their regularly scheduled meeting on Aug 8.
The adopted resolutions provided that Superintendent Todd Hamilton is the designated chief administrative officer, appointed district spokesperson, civil rights official and budget officer for the fiscal year. He is also authorized to apply for all federal, state, regional or private grants that may benefit the district, and is appoint the federal programs coordinator of the Elementary Secondary Education Act Grants that the district participates in.
Anna Houpt is designated business manager and deputy clerk for the fiscal year, and Joel Hidgen is the appointed safety officer and designated person for asbestos management, also for the fiscal year.
Hamilton and Houpt are also designated as a custodian of funds and are authorized to borrow funds for the District in the aggregate amount not to exceed $350,000 for the fiscal year 2018-19. They are signatories on all District bank accounts, checking and savings accounts, time certificate deposits and State of Oregon Local Government Pool (SOLGP) accounts; authorized to enter into wire transfer service agreements with Banner Band and the SOLGP accounts; authorized to designate individuals to give banks telephone or written instruction concerning said wire transfers; and are authorized to make payments in a timely manner of all obligations the district enters into in accordance with the adopted budget.
They are also named as custodians of scholarship funds and authorized to make inter-fund lands from the general fund to special funds as needed. Both are bonded in the amount of $100,000 for the fiscal year, which is meant to protect the district against loss, and each position has separate and individual coverage.
The school board of directors will be issued procurement cards, after signing a Procurement Card Staff Agreement, and the business manager will establish a monetary limit on the card.
Grove, Mueller & Swank, Certified Public Accountants are appointed auditors for the fiscal year, and were also appointed depositories for school district funds, along with SOLGP and Lane County.
The following individuals are authorized signatories on checking accounts, which require double signatures: Adam Watkins, high school principal; Barbara Sears, CHS secretary II; Shirley Burrus, middle school principal; Jill Strader, CMS secretary II; Ryan Beck, Creslane Elementary School principal; and Dana Combs CES secretary II.
The following employees are designated confidential employees of the school district: Leslie Higdon, payroll clerk; Vickie Brown, accounts payable clerk; Marilyn Cruzan, administrative secretary; Sarah Hanson, transportation supervisor; and Joel Higdon, technology/maintenance supervisor.
The board also recognized that regular board meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the District Office Board Room, and that work sessions will held as needed on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom location.
The board also resolved that The Creswell Chronicle would be designated as the newspaper of record for the school district.
These resolutions were adopted on Aug. 8, 2018, and will be in place for the fiscal year of 2018 to 2019.