Council President Richard Zettervall, far right, presented certificates of appreciation to some of the Emergency Preparedness Fair volunteers a this week”s city council meeting. ERIN TIERNEY/THE CRESWELL CHRONICLE
This week’s Creswell city council meeting hit on topics of vehicle storage on the streets, additional dwelling units and graffiti removal. In brief:
A public hearing was held regarding accessory dwelling units in Creswell, during which time no members of the public spoke, and none of the council declared ex-parte or prejudice towards the issue before them.
Council voted unanimously to amend the ordinance in the City of Creswell Development Code to accommodate accessory dwelling units. An in-depth exploration of additional dwelling units will be forthcoming in next week’s Chronicle.
Also this week, a motion passed to adopt regulations for the ordinance of storage of vehicles and recreational vehicles within streets. This topic will also be discussed further in next week’s edition.
After months of exploration, council adopted the ordinance regarding graffiti removal in the city this week.
Now, grafiti must be cleaned up by the responsible person (the property owner) within five days after a notice has been given by the City, or show goodwill cause why the person cannot abate the graffiti within that time.
With good cause shown, City Code Enforcement Officer Shelley Humble can grant an extension of up to 10 days. If there is failure to comply, Humble may refer the matter to city council for a hard as part of their regular agenda.
Council will then determine whether the property is a grafiti nuisance property and whether the responsible party has complied and may order that the nuisance be abated, or take other appropriate action as necessary.
In other business, council:
– Passed the motion to direct City Administrator Michelle Amberg to sign the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Creswell and Sanipac;
– Authorized Amberg to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the cities of Cottage Grove and Creswell for Building Permit Program Services;
– Passed the motion to adopt the Airport Visioning Strategic Plan;
– Agreed via consensus for the City to make a $270.50 contribution to the scholarship fund;
– Adopted the Creswell Emergency Operations Plan;
Also at the meeting:
– Council President Zettervall presented certificates to the volunteers who helped with the Emergency Preparedness Fair;
– Creswell School District School Board member Mike Anderson updated council on the purchase of two drones for the District in hopes of implementing classes for kids in the school;
– Kathy January provided public comment about her ongoing concerns about animal abandonment in town;
– And Lane County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Scott Denham introduced Deputy Chris Gardner to the City Council as Creswell’s newest deputy.