Health & Wellness

Downsizing, de-cluttering adds a sense of lightness and more energy

Downsizing and de-cluttering seem to be common buzz words lately as more and more of us are recognizing that the things we’ve collected over the years may have outlived their usefulness. While this may be very clear in garages and overstuffed attics, our closed closets, cabinets and drawers may conceal situations that might even surprise Fibber McGee!
It just happens over time…our homes become full of unused and overlooked items. For a long time it escapes our notice until it doesn’t. Once it has our attention we might ask ourselves questions such as… ‘Where do I begin? What am I going to do with all the things I no longer want and my children don’t want? How do I know what to keep, what will fit in my new place? Do I have the strength and stamina to tackle such a big task? ”
Often these questions generate more questions (without clear answers) and we feel overwhelmed and exhausted just thinking about it, give up and put it on the back burner until another time, but another time never seems to arrive.
The good news, however, is that there is a way to get through this process. The hardest part is actually before one begins. The sense of hopelessness can be overwhelming! But it doesn’t have to be. Creating a vision of what you want to accomplish, a timeline, and breaking the project into manageable pieces will allow you to take it one step at a time.
Look for monthly articles in your Creswell Chronicle over the next three months to offer you specific tips for successful downsizing, resources, and stories to encourage you. Remember it took a long time to accumulate all the things you have. While downsizing doesn’t happen overnight, it doesn’t have to take forever either!

Diana Masarie, founder and owner of Move-In Comfort, is a specialist in downsizing and moving, working primarily with older adults. She and her team have worked with hundreds of individuals and couples since 2004.

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