Community, Creswell

LCSO: 46 traffic stops in Creswell on May 11

On Friday, May 11 the Lane County Sheriff’s Office (LSCO) deputies assigned to the Creswell contract conducted saturation patrols focused on seatbelt use, child restraints, speed and distracted driving within the city limits of Creswell.
These patrols are part of the ongoing work to provide better community policing within the contract cities that the Sheriff’s Office supports, according to police.
During this four-hour saturation period, four deputies contacted numerous drivers. Deputies had the following enforcement contacts: nine safety belt citations; two failure to obey a traffic control device; five cell phone citations; one failure to yield to pedestrian citation; two driving uninsured; seven illegal tint citations; and three other traffic citations.
In all, 29 citations and 36 warnings were issued during 46 total traffic stops.
LCSO reminds motorists to buckle up and drive safely.

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