During Moveable Feet’s fifth anniversary dance last Friday, Paula Radetzky and her son Miles sashay down a longways set of their fellow dancers during ”The Flying Scotsman.” GINI DAVIS – THE CRESWELL CHRONICLE
Moveable Feet Family and Community Dance celebrated its fifth anniversary of bringing global folk music to Creswell with a special ”Stars”-themed dance held March 2 at Creswell Community Center. Live music was provided by the Eugene-based band June Apple, and guests shared star-shaped or star-decorated snacks.
The event drew quite a crowd, including many newcomers, ”which was exciting,” said dance teacher/caller Sally Jenkins.
The evening opened with ”The Flying Scotsman,” named after a steam locomotive that ran in England and Scotland beginning in the 1920s.
”The Lighted Sconce,” with its a signature ”lasso” move, followed: ”One person in each pair walks around the other, as if one is the cowboy and one is the lasso,” Jenkins said.
The fast-paced ”Star Dance” celebrated the night’s theme.
June Apple accompanied the fun trio mixer ”Fly, Turkey,” danced in sets of three, with the old Appalachian tune, ”Shakin’ down the Acorns.” Jenkins explained that in each trio, ”The middle person is the Turkey and the other two are Farmers.” The turkey repeatedly ”flies” out from the farmers at the caller’s behest.
The square dance ”Simple Square” was set to the gospel tune ”Golden Slippers.” Jenkins noted that ”Unlike modern Western square dancing, traditional square dances have a predictable pattern and a repeated break, or chorus, figure.”
Two teenagers requested ”The Virginia Reel,” with which ”everyone had great fun,” Jenkins said.
The dance closed with a circle song featuring simple hand movements – plus a secret ingredient: chocolate stars, placed in dancers’ hands by Jenkins as a final nod to the ”Stars” theme.
The next Moveable Feet dance will be held April 13. For more information, call Jenkins at 541-895-2254 or visit http://moveablefeet.weebly.com.