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Shaping up for Fall – Camas Swale Medical Clinic

As Summer dwindles and temperatures drift into a cooler range, many of use are preparing for a change in our routine. For families, fall means “back to school” and the reinstatement of a morning wake-up and time schedule. For families with student athletes, it also means a return to regular[Read More…]

Sweet Lorane Community News

Today, as I write this, one very busy weekend has ended and another is getting ready to happen. Last weekend’s Art in the Country Festival that I helped to organize and promote is in the books as a definite success. It was a fundraiser for the Applegate Regional Theater (ART,[Read More…]

Do we remember other fires in faraway places?

The other night it was hot. Hot during the day, hot at night. Heat seems to define summer for us, in many ways. In spite of that, after a day in the outdoors, we built a fire. A small fire. A ”hat” fire, which mountain people define as one you[Read More…]

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