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You may have noticed we updated our website and launched The Chronicle newsletters in September of 2022.
On Jan. 5, 2023, we also launched a redesign of the paper.
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What we’re about:
We’re here to cover your town
By Noel Nash / [email protected]

We launched a campaign this week to highlight the fact our hyper-local paper serves distinct communities in the southern Willamette Valley.
We’re committed to the idea that Springfield, Creswell, Cottage Grove and Pleasant Hill deserve coverage of its people, schools, government, sports, arts and entertainment, local business owners, health care and more. There are so many stories in these towns that it’s especially maddening to see corporate journalism ignore all of it.
Gannett, the nation’s largest newspaper conglomerate, continues to whittle away at The Register-Guard, once one of the nation’s best daily papers. It’s why we’re seeing some of our strongest growth in Eugene, even though we don’t cover that city.
People who live in Eugene work and recreate in Springfield, Creswell, Cottage Grove, and Pleasant Hill. And people who live in those towns work in and take their families to events in Eugene.
What makes us most attractive to readers and advertisers? It’s our unique-and-differentiating content. The Chronicle, its website and its social media platforms are the only places you can find coverage of your family, friends and neighbors. They are the only places you can follow every boys and girls high school sports team in all five of the towns we cover.
We produce the only annual graduation special section that includes the senior classes of every school in our area.
That’s content that is not only important upon publication, it’s material people save for a lifetime; the reader is emotionally invested, and that makes it valuable to advertisers.
We appreciate your support!
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