Legal Notices

Public Notices: Edition of Sept. 26, 2024


On October 21, 2024, the Springfield City Council will consider legislative amendments to the Springfield Development Code regarding annexation. You may attend the public hearing via Zoom or in person in the Council Chambers of Springfield City Hall. The public hearing will begin no later than 7:00 PM.

The annexation section of the Springfield Development Code is changing to:

Clarify the application and initiation types: It amends SDC 5.7.125 for ‘Initiation Method Requirements and Application Requirements’ to clarify what documents are required for the various annexation applications;

Improve efficiency and timeliness for staff and officials to process applications and make a decision: Changes to SDC 5.7.115 ‘Review’ provide an option where an annexation does not require a public hearing; 

Remove redundant terms in SDC 5.7.113 and address appropriate processes in SDC 5.7.115.

CASE NUMBER: City of Springfield: 811-24-000026-TYP4. The criteria of approval for these actions are at Springfield Development Code 5.6.115.

Information about the amendments can be found at The proposed amendments and approval criteria for the October 21st City Council Public Hearing are available for free inspection at Development Services Center in Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. 

• The meeting link and agenda packet will be available the Thursday prior to the October 21, 2024 hearing at the following website: 

• Copies of documents are available at a reasonable cost. Please call: 541-726-3647.

HOW TO ATTEND THE MEETING, PARTICIPATE IN THE PUBLIC HEARING, OR SUBMIT COMMENTS: Written testimony may be sent to the staff listed below or through Springfield Oregon Speaks at: Oral testimony must be provided at the public hearing. 

• Join virtually from a computer, tablet, or smart phone or dial in by phone. Registration required – Visit 

• In Person: Council Chambers, Springfield City Hall, 225 5th Street. The Council Chambers are ADA accessible and a Personal PA Receiver for the hearing impaired is available as well as an induction loop for the benefit of hearing aid users. The City of Springfield complies with state and federal laws and regulations relating to discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). 

STAFF CONTACT: For questions regarding the proposed code amendments or on how to submit written testimony, or to request accommodations for people with disabilities, please contact: 

• Haley Campbell, City of Springfield, Community Development, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477; 541-726-3647; Email: [email protected] or for Text to Telephone Relay 711 or 800-735-2900.  

Published: 9/26/24



Julie Ann Wood, of Vida, Oregon, will be requesting a Declaratory Judgment from the Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon 1) determining the current name of the Trust as being the Robert Lafayette Wood Revocable Living Trust, dated August 12, 2008; 2) confirming Julie Ann Wood as the current trustee of the Trust; 3) determining that Julie Ann Wood is the current and sole beneficiary of the Trust; and 4) determining that real property in Hawaii, namely, 130 Kai Malina Pkwy #519, Lahaina, HI 96761, is an asset of the Trust of which Petitioner Julie Ann Wood is the trustee and that such Trust is the Robert Lafayette Wood Revocable Living Trust, dated August 12, 2008.

Any person or entity objecting to the above-described Declaratory Judgment must promptly contact Julie Ann Wood at PO Box 312, Vida, OR 97488, with such objection(s).

Salvatore Catalano, lawyer

P.O. Box 5026 

Eugene, OR 97405

 Published: 9/12/24, 9/19/24, 9/26/24


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Andrea L. Metz has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Jimmy P. Metz, deceased; Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 24PB08380.  All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them within four months from the date of the publication of this Notice to the Personal Representative at Thorp, Purdy, Jewett, Urness & Wilkinson, P.C., 1011 Harlow Rd, Suite 300, Springfield, OR 97477, or they may be barred.

Any person whose rights may be affected by these proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative or from the Personal Representative’s attorneys.

DATED and published September 26, 2024. /s/ Andrea L. Metz

Personal Representative

Published: 9/26/24


T.S. No.: OR-22-948428-RM Reference is made to that certain deed made by, RODNEY E MITCHELL as Grantor to EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY, as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (“MERS”), AS DESIGNATED NOMINEE FOR FINANCE OF AMERICA MORTGAGE LLC, BENEFICIARY OF THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, dated 5/28/2020, recorded 6/2/2020, in official records of LANE County, Oregon as fee/file/instrument/microfilm/reception number 2020-027688 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. covering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 1702342403806 0138840 LOT 12, BLOCK 2, HEATHERDALE TERRACE, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 37, PAGE 14, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 603 – 605 61ST STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5406 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $58,162.62 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $271,218.30 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 3/1/2021, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due (if applicable) for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION, the undersigned trustee will on 12/4/2024 at the hour of 1:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, At the Front Entrance to the Lane County Courthouse, located 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 County of LANE, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Interest RODNEY MITCHELL 603 61ST STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5406 Original Borrower For Sale Information Call: 800-280-2832 or Login to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-22-948428-RM Dated: 7/31/2024 Quality Loan Service Corporation, as Trustee Signature By: Jeff Stenman, President Trustee’s Mailing Address: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 450, Seattle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0213660 9/5/2024 9/12/2024 9/19/2024 9/26/2024


T.S. No.: OR-24-994657-SW Reference is made to that certain deed made by, CHARLES A. WALTERS, III, UNMARRIED, HTTA CHARLES A. WALTERS as Grantor to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON, as trustee, in favor of KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Beneficiary, dated 7/31/2019, recorded 10/8/2019, in official records of LANE County, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. and/or as fee/file/instrument/microfilm/reception number 2019-045082 and modified as per Modification Agreement recorded 4/1/2024 as Instrument No. 2024-008634 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to KeyBank National Association covering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 1452380 LOT 4, BLOCK 2, WOLVERINE ESTATES, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 73, SLIDE 668, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 3877 PATTISON ST, EUGENE, OR 97402 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $2,696.04 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $102,417.93 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 3/1/2024, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION, the undersigned trustee will on 1/7/2025 at the hour of 10:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, Inside the main lobby of the Lane County Courthouse, located 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 County of LANE, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Interest CHARLES WALTERS III 3877 PATTISON ST EUGENE, OR 97402 Original Borrower For Sale Information Call: 916-939-0772 or Login to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-24-994657-SW Dated: 8/26/2024 Quality Loan Service Corporation, as Trustee Signature By: Jeff Stenman, President Trustee’s Mailing Address: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 450, Seattle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0224100 9/26/2024 10/3/2024 10/10/2024 10/17/2024


TS No. OR01000009-24-1 APN 19-03-11-31-06900 TO No 240347211-OR-MSI TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain Trust Deed made by, JOHN A. WILNAU IV AND LISA M. WILNAU as Grantor to CASCADE TITLE COMPANY as Trustee, in favor of OREGON DEPT. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS as Beneficiary dated as of June 20, 2007 and recorded on June 22, 2007 as Instrument No. 2007-042522 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Lane County, Oregon to-wit: APN: 19-03-11-31-06900 LOT 69, HAZELWOOD TERRACE, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 6, 2006, RECEPTION NO. 2006-064954, LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 293 AUBURN LN., CRESWELL, OR 97426 Both the Beneficiary, Oregon Department of Veterans` Affairs, and the Trustee, Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112, have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Trust Deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. The default for which the foreclosure is made is the Grantor’s failure to pay: Failed to pay payments which became due Monthly Payment(s): Monthly Payment(s) from 05/01/2023 to 07/24/2024 at $11,842.90 Monthly Late Charge(s): Monthly Late Charge(s) at $949.48 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit: The sum of $164,328.18 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.25000% per annum from April 1, 2023 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all Trustee’s fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said Trust Deed. Wherefore, notice is hereby given that, the undersigned Trustee will on December 19, 2024 at the hour of 10:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by Section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, inside the main lobby of the Lane County Courthouse, 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 County of Lane, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, Trustee’s or attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Without limiting the Trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the Trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a Trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the Trustee’s sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word “Grantor” includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, the words “Trustee” and “Beneficiary” includes their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: July 25, 2024 By: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 Successor Trustee Malcolm & Cisneros, A Law Corporation Attention: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 c/o Special Default Services, Inc. 17100 Gillette Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 225-5945 NPP0463548 To: CRESWELL CHRONICLE 09/05/2024, 09/12/2024, 09/19/2024, 09/26/2024


T.S. No.: OR-24-994685-SW Reference is made to that certain deed made by, CHRISTOPHER MELENDEZ, UNMARRIED as Grantor to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as trustee, in favor of KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Beneficiary, dated 11/5/2019, recorded 1/15/2020, in official records of LANE County, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. and/or as fee/file/instrument/microfilm/reception number 2020-002185 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to Keybank National Association covering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 0565513 SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON: LOT 4, BLOCK 2, WILLAMETTE MANOR, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN, BOOK 43, PAGE I, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. BEING THE SAME, PROPERTY CONVEYED BY DEED RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 2016-051744 OF THE LANE COUNTY, OREGON RECORDS. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, LEASES AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, ALL LEGAL HIGHWAYS, ALL RIGHTS OF WAY, ALL ZONING BUILDING AND OTHER LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS, ALL RIGHTS OF TENANTS IN POSSESSION AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE Commonly known as: 1022 LONG RIDGE DR, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $3,885.84 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $36,939.51 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 3/6/2024, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION, the undersigned trustee will on 12/30/2024 at the hour of 10:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, Inside the main lobby of the Lane County Courthouse, located 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 County of LANE, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Interest CHRISTOPHER MELENDEZ 1022 LONG RIDGE DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Original Borrower For Sale Information Call: 916-939-0772 or Login to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-24-994685-SW Dated: 8/16/2024 Quality Loan Service Corporation, as Trustee Signature By: Jeff Stenman, President Trustee’s Mailing Address: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 450, Seattle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0223962 9/19/2024 9/26/2024 10/3/2024 10/10/2024


T.S. No.: OR-24-993108-SW Reference is made to that certain deed made by, MARK AGAN AND JULIE AGAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENANTS IN COMMON as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF OREGON, as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR LOANDEPOT.COM, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, dated 1/25/2021, recorded 2/9/2021, in official records of LANE County, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. and/or as fee/file/instrument/microfilm/reception number 2021-008771 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to, LLC covering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 0132538 1702332101205 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SIMMONS ADDITION, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 12, PAGE 26, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEING 82.88 CHAINS EAST OF THE WESTERLY NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEROD JOHNSON DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 62, NOTIFICATION NO 7481, IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; RUN THENCE EAST ALONG THE SAID HEROD JOHNSON DONATION LAND CLAIM LINE 597 FEET TO A POINT 30.0 FEET SOUTH 89°18’ EAST OF THE NORTHERLY REENTRANT ANGLE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 62; THENCE NORTH 0°38’ EAST PARALLEL WITH THE MOST NORTHERLY WEST LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 62, 517 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; RUN THENCE EAST 120.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0°38’ EAST PARALLEL WITH SAID MOST NORTHERLY WEST LINE OF DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 62, 70.0 FEET; THENCE WEST 111.6 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE STATE OF OREGON PROPERTY AS ESTABLISHED IN DEED RECORDED MAY 17, 1966, RECEPTION NO. 47674, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID STATE OF OREGON PROPERTY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, COUNTY OF LANE AND STATE OF OREGON. Commonly known as: 827 52ND AVE, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $8,681.38 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $179,773.76 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 3/1/2024, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION, the undersigned trustee will on 12/18/2024 at the hour of 1:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, At the Front Entrance to the Lane County Courthouse, located 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 County of LANE, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Interest MARK AGAN 827 NE 52ND AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Original Borrower JULIE AGAN 827 NE 52ND AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 For Sale Information Call: 800-280-2832 or Login to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-24-993108-SW Dated: 8/12/2024 Quality Loan Service Corporation, as Trustee Signature By: Jeff Stenman, President Trustee’s Mailing Address: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 450, Seattle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0223844 9/12/2024 9/19/2024 9/26/2024 10/3/2024





You are hereby directed and required to appear in, and defend against, this legal action within 30 days after the first date of publication of summons, which is the 5th day of September, 2024, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2016-CTT, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, ZBS LAW, LLP, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court.  This is a Second Amended Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust.

You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.”  The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff.

If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at or by calling (503) 684-3763 in the Portland metropolitan area. If you are a veteran of the armed forces, assistance may be available from a county veterans’ service officer or community action agency. Contact information for a local county veterans service officer and community action agency may be obtained by calling a 2-1-1 information service.

DATED: August 23, 2024      


/s/ Dirk Schouten 

Dirk Schouten, OSB# 115153

Amber L. Labrecque, 

OBS No. 094593

[email protected]

[email protected]

Attorneys for Plaintiff


T.S. No.: OR-24-989150-BF Reference is made to that certain deed made by, KOREN D EVANS as Grantor to WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW CO., as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS DESIGNATED NOMINEE FOR FINANCE OF AMERICA MORTGAGE LLC, BENEFICIARY OF THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, dated 10/4/2021, recorded 10/8/2021, in official records of LANE County, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. and/or as fee/file/instrument/microfilm/reception number 2021-064652 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC covering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 1818945 LOT 11, THE RESERVE AT JUNCTION CITY, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED APRIL 30, 2008, RECEPTION NO. 2008-024040, LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 1396 ALDERDALE DR, JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $19,959.64 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $318,882.23 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 11/1/2023, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION, the undersigned trustee will on 12/18/2024 at the hour of 1:00 pm, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, At the Front Entrance to the Lane County Courthouse, located 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 County of LANE, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Interest Koren Evans 1396 ALDERDALE DR JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448 Original Borrower For Sale Information Call: 800-280-2832 or Login to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-24-989150-BF Dated: 8/2/2024 Quality Loan Service Corporation, as Trustee Signature By: Daniel Lazos, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s Mailing Address: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 450, Seattle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0213747 9/5/2024 9/12/2024 9/19/2024 9/26/2024


T.S. No.: OR-24-992505-RM Reference is made to that certain deed made by, FERN BOSTELMAN-RINALDI as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE, as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR CROSSCOUNTRY MORTGAGE, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, dated 5/8/2021, recorded 5/11/2021, in official records of LANE County, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. in Book N/A Page N/A and/or as fee/file/instrument/microfilm/reception number 2021-032302 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing covering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 0799328 18-12-27-43-04400 The West 68 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 44, AMENDED PLAT OF THE CHICAGO ADDITION TO FLORENCE, as platted and recorded in Book 25, Page 552 and 553, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in the City of Florence, County of Lane and State of Oregon. Commonly known as: 1170 7TH ST, FLORENCE, OR 97439 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $10,726.80 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $240,575.73 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 2/1/2024, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION, the undersigned trustee will on 12/18/2024 at the hour of 1:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, At the Front Entrance to the Lane County Courthouse, located 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 County of LANE, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Interest FERN BOSTELMAN-RINALDI 1170 7TH ST FLORENCE, OR 97439 Original Borrower For Sale Information Call: 800-280-2832 or Login to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-24-992505-RM Dated: 8/7/2024 Quality Loan Service Corporation, as Trustee Signature By: Jeff Stenman, President Trustee’s Mailing Address: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 450, Seattle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0213764 9/12/2024 9/19/2024 9/26/2024 10/3/2024


Notice of Lien Sale ORS 87.192

Notice is hereby given by All Star Mini Storage that a public lien sale by auction of the personal property stored in the spaces listed below will be held on October 17, 2024, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at The property is stored at 5353 Main St., Springfield, OR. The spaces and occupants are: 64A Ashley Carey, 113A Josh Short, 82 Jennifer Bissonette, 29 Phillip Barrier, 131 Jisan Baker, 154 Donny Thompson, 66B Brandon Sepe, 110A Heath Hayles, 132 Jane Peterson/ Sherri Caldwell, 117B Adriana Garcia Scheider, 118B Adriana Garcia Scheider.

Published: 9/26/24

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