Creswell, Opinion & Editorial

LTE: Creswell has painted itself into a corner

Editor’s note: This letter is in reference to the Oct. 26 edition article, “In moratorium: Creswell development at standstill.”

Dear Editor

I would take issue with the description of this as a David-and-Goliath situation in Creswell.

The powers-that-would-be in Creswell are clearly demonstrating some deluded thinking, as defined by the oft-repeated “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while hoping for a different outcome.”

For decades the leaders in Creswell have known that the wastewater system in Creswell was a problem environmentally and consequently a bottleneck for economic growth. By taking a kick-the-can-down-the-street approach to planning, Creswell has painted itself into a corner — they can’t expand because of the wastewater system and they can’t afford to fix it without growth.  State and federal regulators had NO PART in Creswell’s flawed decision making process.

Lack of planning on their part should not lead to trampling the right of others to clean water.  Creswell should expect to have to play by the same rules that other municipalities work with every day.

James Mough, Springfield

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