Faith, Opinion & Editorial

Robert’s Ramblings: God is more than ‘He’ or ‘She’

“Praise our God, all peoples,
      let the sound of His praise be heard;

He has preserved our lives
      and kept our feet from slipping

For you, God, tested us;
    you refined us like silver.“

— PSALM 66: 8-10

Over the past several decades I have heard many conversations about “Mother God” or God as “She.”  This made some sense to me when I first listened to these conversations, but as I grew in understanding I realized a flaw in this argument. Our God, our Creator God; the greatest engineer, the greatest physician, the greatest artist, the God who is here, within all and everywhere, the same throughout time, is much greater, much more “all,” than anything we can understand or imagine. Our God is much more than “He” or “She!”

I recently read a little about the Islamic faith. The Moslem people, whose faith goes back to Father Abraham, do not use impersonal pronouns to describe God.  God is God, period, “the one and only God.”  In this belief, I feel they have interpreted God correctly. God is so much, so much more, than a personal pronoun; God is so much more than we can hope to imagine! I do understand that as Christians, many of us think of God as “Abba,” “Father,” but I worry that we may take this relationship too lightly. I feel that we should relate to God with a feeling of awe, for the greatness that God is. Our God is El Shaddai – God Almighty; El Olam – Everlasting God; our God is here now and forever more.

I pray that you each may feel the presence of God in your life each and every day.

Bob Beck, still loved by God, in spite of myself

Bob Beck is the former lay leader of Ebbert Methodist Church

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