Opinion & Editorial

LTE: Thankful for publication of Magnolia Gardens investigative article

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the reminder that businesses cannot be trusted to serve public welfare in the well-researched article, “Out of the Dark” about Magnolia Gardens published on April 27.  

There are so many opportunities for businesses to break up companies, siphon off assets, steal wages, exploit resources, etc. and to enrich people with more greed than compassion. 

A recent book by Gretchen Morgenson, “These are the Plunderers,” outlines methods used by private equity firms (PEFs). A favored acquisition target of PEFs is retirement and care centers. 

In your research you may have learned that some Oregon care centers complained of not finding workers while not advertising to find them. The most effective counter to abuse of workers and clients are unions, which can protect workers who expose abuse or crime. 

Unfortunately current laws favor business over workers making organizing risky and difficult for the working class.

Ed Gunderson


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