Opinion & Editorial

Letter to the editor

Addi’s Diner article brings back sweet memories

Dear Editor:

In your Sept. 8 issue you published an article on Addi’s Diner. It brought back some lovely memories. Thirty-one years ago, I escaped the traffic madness of Los Angeles and settled into a wonderful house on West D Street in Springfield (on the Willamette River) where ducks paraded in my view instead of cars. In getting to know the neighborhood, I soon became aware of Rose’s Diner, the precursor of Addi’s Diner – and what a great find. Where else could I get a plate-sized pancake and a cup of coffee for $1.50 to be enjoyed in the ‘50s-style diner (with Rose presiding). The ‘50s – those were my days! Time moves on, however. I now live in a condo in Eugene and Rose’s Diner became Addi’s Diner. Fortunately, Addi kept up the same tradition, and the diner continues in its traditional atmosphere – just minus the $1.50 pancakes!


Jane Dods, 




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