Opinion & Editorial

Letters: ‘A clear choice’ for mayor

Dear Editor:

While reading last week’s “Letters to the Editor” I noticed something unusual. A couple of folks I don’t always agree with felt the same way I did about Dave Stram for mayor. Proving to me that he is definitely the best man for the job! 

He has the unique ability to bridge gaps and bring people together all while being fair and open minded. His experience and results speak volumes.  

The other candidates may be good people but Dave Stram is what our community needs now. I believe we can trust him to always do what is in the best interest of the people of Creswell. 

I ask the council to bring peace to our community and select Dave Stram for mayor. 

Deborah Cuddeback, Creswell



Letters to the editor are personal views on local matters of current public debate or interest, generally written in 500 words or less. 

Letters must be from a local person and of local interest; they cannot attack or call out a person due to liability issues; and must be a thoughtful letter, and not written as a rant.

Editors reserve the right to hold letters that use offensive language and mudslinging. 

All letters are subject to editing for clarity and length.

For verification purposes, all letters must be signed in full and include the address and telephone number of the writer. If a letter cannot be verified, it will not be published. 

Send your letter to: [email protected] OR drop it off at The Chronicle office, 34 W. Oregon Ave., Creswell, by noon on Monday to be printed in that week’s edition.



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