Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 279A.220, notice is hereby given that the McKenzie Fire and Rescue District intends to enter into a contract with Hughes Fire Equipment Inc. in an amount not to exceed $525,088.00 for the purchase of one (1) new Pierce Saber FR Pumper NH826. The contract is based on the terms of an interstate cooperative procurement administered by Sourcewell (previously National Joint Powers Alliance or NJPA), in accordance with ORS 279A.220. The purpose of this notice is to provide information to the public and invite interested persons an opportunity to submit written comment.
Written comments and protests must be delivered to McKenzie Fire and Rescue District at the address below no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Written protests received after this deadline will not be considered. Submittals should be addressed to Fire Chief Darren Bucich, McKenzie Fire and Rescue District, 42870 McKenzie Highway, Leaburg, OR 97489, and shall provide a detailed factual and legal basis for the comment/complaint and the relief requested. Protests will be handled pursuant to ORS 279A.225.
Darren Bucich,
Fire Chief
Published: 9/02/21