City & Government

Round up of local election results

Lane County, May 18, 2021 Special Election unofficial results:

Total Ballots Cast: 69476 


Springfield SB 2: Emilio Hernandez J.

Springfield SB 3: Jonathan Light 

Springfield SB 5: Kelly Mason 

Creswell SB 4: Mike Anderson

Creswell SB 5: Tim Rogers 

Creswell SB 6: Lacey Risdal 

Pleasant Hill SB 2: Drew Gottfried 

Pleasant Hill SB 4: Rusty Rexius

Pleasant Hill SB 5: Stephen Hammond

South Lane SB 2: Taylor Wilhour 

South Lane SB 4: Sherry Duerst-Higgins

South Lane SB 5: Colleen Valley

Lane Community College Director Zone 1: Holli Johnson

Lane Community College Director Zone 3: Mike Eyster

Lane Community College Director Zone 4: Austin Folnagy

Lane Community College Director Zone 5: Steve Mital


South Lane County F&R 1: Debby Stumph

South Lane County F&R 3: Dan Duffy

South Lane County F&R 4: Chris Holloman 

South Lane County F&R 5: Thomas Munroe

Pleasant Hill RFPD 1:  Todd A Anderson

Pleasant Hill RFPD 5: Kevin Flory


Glenwood WD 4: Karen Rinehart 

Glenwood WD 5: Andy Rollins

Creswell WD 3: Michael Rolfe

Creswell WD 5:  Carla Smart 


Lane Library 1: Lisa Linnell-Olsen

Lane Library 2: Andrew Morgan

Lane Library 3: Eric Cullander


Willamalane: Denise Bean, Brook Reinhard and Renee Jones


20-319 Lane County Extension Service: Yes

20-321 McKenzie School District #68 Bonds: No 285 

20-320 Lane Fire Authority Levy: Yes

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