Leaders at the helm of Creswell and Cottage Grove governments were sworn into office at Jan. 11’s city council meetings.
Amy Knudsen was sworn in as Creswell mayor, and Shelly Clark, Joe Medina and Jerri Hutchinson were sworn in as Creswell councilors, while Kevin Prociw was elected council president.
In Cottage Grove, incumbents Mayor Jeff Gowing, councilors Greg Irvin and Ken Roberts, as well as newly-elected councilor Jon Stinnett were sworn in.
With an optimistic tone, Creswell municipal judge R Scott Palmer swore in the new mayor and councilors on Monday.
“In contrast to what we’re experiencing at the federal level and at the state level, we are blessed in the City of Creswell with what are truly the best of times. There is energy and optimism at the local level, and it permeates our public business and temperament,” Palmer said.
“We’ve had quite a year in 2020. We’re in the middle of a pandemic that has taken too many lives. The events of Jan. 6 have been called ‘the day that will live in infamy.’ We are being tested whether a government of the people, by the people and for the people will long endure … Let us renew today or appreciation or reverence in our thirst for the most basic principles that are the foundation of our body politic: freedom, justice, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” Palmer said. “Through our elected and appointed officials, let us carry on and accomplish the necessary and important business of the city of Creswell.”
Also at this week’s meeting, Gowing presented Covered Bridge Brewing Group, Ernie Olsen and Ethan Bearden-Tanten with mayoral certificates for their work in Cottage Grove.
“Cottage Grove Brewing Group opened in one of the less desirable times but followed their plan rather than the pandemic’s,” Gowing said, noting their partnerships with Busters and Coast Fork Brewing. “ They are an example of the type of business community Cottage Grove is,” Gowing said.
Ernie Olson owns the 16th and Main streets. Gowing said he asked Ernie for permission to put a bench on the property as part of a retirement project, and was happy to accomodate.
“Since that time, it has transformed into a unique piece of property with two retail businesses on the ground floor and two apartments on the second floor,” Gowing said. “The best thing about it is the unique landscaping that’s been done; the sculpture work is becoming an attraction to the community and will attract more people into our business community.”
Ethan Bearden is a 7th grader that “saw a need to think outside the box for Halloween,” and worked with the City and Chamber to come up with the drive-thru Halloween event in 2020.
The next Creswell City Council meeting is a work session and will be held at 6 p.m. on Jan. 25. The next Cottage Grove City Council meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Jan. 25.