LORANE — Week four of lockdown is proving to be much improved thanks to our beautiful blue skies and warmer temperatures.
As I go out each day in shirt sleeves, and wield the shovel in my flower beds, it’s hard to imagine that we are surrounded by tragedy and that in other parts of Oregon and the nation, thousands are dying. It’s hard to find glory in another beautiful spring when we let our minds dwell on all of the news articles that come out daily on the tragic events affecting so many families. We need those reminders, however, to give our self-imposed isolation meaning and a sense that we are indeed doing what needs to be done.
Something that hits very close to home this week is that the rest of the school year has been canceled for our children and teachers. It’s a necessary step in trying to keep a lid on the pandemic’s march, but the far-reaching consequences for our high school seniors, especially, are hard to imagine.
For most seniors, this 12th spring of their elementary and high school education puts them in the spotlight with the exciting prospects of the high school prom, final track, baseball and softball seasons, followed by possibly a senior trip and the biggest reward of all — graduation.
Most will still graduate, but, as of now, there will be no ceremony for parents and friends to attend; no mortarboards flying in the air after diplomas are handed out. Instead, unless our school districts figure out a way of holding these ceremonies in the summertime, their diplomas will be delivered to them by mail. It is my hope that the school districts, with perhaps the help of the communities involved, will make sure that these seniors have their proms and their graduation ceremonies once the need for self-isolation passes so that these important milestones are not lost to them. Jim and I would gladly donate to these projects if funds are short. I think a lot of parents, grandparents, and hopefully, community members and business owners would, as well.
Until that time, however, we need to continue to make the most of each day. Many are finding that working in their gardens help; some are taking on home-improvement projects; others are finding ways of making and sharing needed medical supplies or working on crafts that will help to uplift our spirits.
The ones in essential services are sacrificing their own safety by providing us all with comfort and aid in our daily lives so that we can continue to live our lives in isolation.
For the past few warm and sunny days this week, besides wielding my shovel, Toby, BB and I have been taking short walks up our road and back.
Because we live at the bottom of the hill and our walks take us uphill to start out, my back has been complaining a lot, but it’s a pain I’m willing to bear because it’s one that will eventually level out as my stamina returns after an idle winter.
It’s kind of like the effects of this pandemic on those of us who are isolating … If we can hold up to the inconvenience and pain of lost wages and having to be apart from our loved ones, we will come out of this whole experience stronger, prouder and maybe even a little more respectful and tolerant of each other.
Stay safe everyone!
Contact Pat at her website: allthingslorane.com