Thank you for being a loyal Chronicle reader.
We just launched a new clutter-free news site. It’s faster and easier than ever to get the important southern Willamette Valley news – hyper-local news and information – that matters to you. The new site brings some other changes and we wanted you to be the first to know.
Our digital news service, accessible 24/7, is FREE right now and will be available for $6 per month at some point down the road. Here’s why we need to charge:
Most will agree that for a small community like ours a credible news source is vital — one that informs and binds the community. We work hard everyday to make this a better place for you and others to live.
Without us, who will be a watchdog on decisions affecting your lives? Our reporting holds officials accountable for how they use their power — and your money. Without us, the day-to-day events that make up life in our community would go on without notice.
Our future as a resource for the community is far from certain, and we need your support to sustain this kind of service. Last year, more than 3,000 journalists lost their jobs and many communities lost vital connections to news that matters.
Reporting the news in the southern Willamette Valley is time-consuming and expensive work because we want to do it right and get it right. News on Facebook might be free but you never know what’s true or not. We have to pay a competitive wage to employ professionals to work on your behalf.
At the same time, we have to pay for this work, and that’s why we need to charge for our enhanced web service. No business succeeds by giving away its product. We want to be here next week, next month, and for years to come to serve the community.
When you subscribe, you support local jobs, local reporting and you reinforce a commitment to a vibrant and honest free press.
Help ensure our future. Subscribe to our digital news service today.
Thank you for your supporting our community by supporting quality local news.
Best regards,
Noel Nash,