Opinion & Editorial

Kiwanis seeking help in choosing service projects

Dear Editor:
How can we help? Our local Coast Fork Kiwanis Club is refocusing their efforts and seeking community input on where our modest resources of volunteer time and limited funding should be employed.
Kiwanians have been active in communities worldwide for over 100 years with an emphasis on serving youth through local programs and efforts. Kiwanis International has over 550,000 members around the world and our International efforts are saving thousands of lives!
Locally, since merging last year the Cottage Grove and Creswell Kiwanis Clubs combined their nearly 30 members to serve the South Lane area. Our members help where they can and when they have time to do so according to their individual interests. Annually, we sponsor a Benefit Golf Tournament, a Trick-or-Treat event, a chili cookoff and car show, and a kids’ Christmas event in Cottage Grove.
In Creswell, we help with the Kids’ Day in the Park, have conducted a Breakfast with Santa event, and sell See’s Candy each holiday as well as helping other organizations at most community events. The Club awards seven or eight scholarships for vocational/technical training each year to graduating seniors of Cottage Grove and Creswell high schools.
So how can Kiwanis help in our community? What youth-targeted services or projects could our Club assist with? What other organizations can we partner with to improve our communities and provide needed services? What needs are you aware of that our local Kiwanis Club might help satisfy or assist with?
If you have a long-term effort in mind, joining the Kiwanis might be a great way to get help with your project. Please consider joining us in service to our community as a Kiwanian.
Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you’d like to share your input directly we always welcome guests at our two regular noon meetings held each month. Our Club meets for lunch at noon on the first Wednesday of each month in Cottage Grove and the third Wednesday of each month at Los Cabos Restaurant in Creswell.
If you have a group and would like to have a conversation with Kiwanis to discuss service possibilities I’d be glad to speak with you. If you’d like additional information or have input for us please contact me at: [email protected] or mail to PO Box 1047 in Creswell.
Don Ehrich,
Coast Fork President and Division 74 Lieutenant Governor

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