Dear Editor:
In regard to the recent horse “neglect” article in The Chronicle, dated Nov. 7, I would like to just ask three questions:
WHY did it take two years for anything to get done about this very serious horse situation?
As the paper stated, there were concerned neighbors, but WHY did the folks in charge, i.e. animal protective services, not remove the horses months ago?
WHY is this situation not being considered to be more of an animal cruelty situation.
(Some of the horses were nibbling on some wood fence posting.)
Let’s all hope that the poor horses can put on healthy weight and get their “health” back.
Horses, as well as other animals, can be very expensive to maintain and care for. If people can not afford to care for their animals, they should not have animals.
An idea is to check out the facilities you may be boarding your animals with, first, by visiting them and checking them out before you entrust your furry friend to them.
Kathy January