
Sweet Lorane Community News

My world right now is centered on one special person who needs me and my full attention. Oh, don’t get me wrong… Jim is doing well in his healing process, and we’ve worked out a schedule of sorts for each day.
But, this whole process has brought me back to those wedding vows spoken so many years ago… “in sickness and in health…” I doubt that any bride or groom really thinks about what they are pledging to do; after all, things like that happen to other people when they are old… right?… no need to worry about it.
Well, the years eventually catch up with us, but as long as we have our health, we can refer to them as our “golden years”… and they have been for Jim and me. We’ve done some traveling and experienced the birth, childhood and young adulthood of our children and  grandchildren, and now we are making and sharing such beautiful memories with our great-grands.
As I’ve said so often, Jim and I truly have been blessed.
Now, however, it’s time to pay the piper. It’s time to put aside my own wants and needs and fulfill those vows we took almost 55 years ago. After loving and living with someone for that long, we do tend to take our lives and each other for granted.
I’ve always had my own interests and activities, and he’s had his, but we have always supported each other in whatever way we could. We never really envisioned or planned for the “in sickness and in health” part of our marriage, but I’ve found that, when we arrived at that point, there was no question about what I not only must do, but what I want to do for him.
So we live each day, one at a time… together; and we’ll get through this healing process… together.
We’re both going to do everything possible to get Jim’s mobility back to where it once was, but if not, then in late May, we’re still going to take the exciting trip that we have been planning for over a year with my sister and brother-in-law to Washington, D.C. and the surrounding area. We bought a portable mobility scooter that we will take with us on the trip, and we’re going to enjoy every day, week, month and year that we are allowed beyond that, because, with the fulfillment of our vows, we have rediscovered a closeness we had let slide while pursuing our own interests.
“In sickness and in health” is a commitment that should not be taken lightly. As with most of life’s lessons, you can usually find a bright light shining through the darkest of days and it’s worth the time and effort to look for it.

Be sure to check out my personal website!

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