Health & Wellness

Cheryl’s Kitchen – How to make crockpot chicken bone broth

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Boxed bone broths in the stores are very expensive. Making it at home is easy and cheap! Made from scratch, bone broth has a much more complex flavor and color than store bought stocks.
Some of the health benefits of bone broth include:
– Boosts immune system
– Treats leaky gut syndrome
– Improves joint health
– Reduces cellulite
– Combats food allergies
– Improves asthma
– Helps heal thyroids
– Repairs aging skin
The crock pot method is the easiest way to make bone broth. Save your chicken carcuses and your veggie scrapes and that will make your bone broth free.
Frozen Veggie Scraps: Save all of your veggies scraps and freeze in large bags. When you’re cooking your meals, don’t throw your ends and peelings away.
Save your onion ends, your carrot peelings, your celery ends, your pepper end, your aging veggies, such as mushrooms and freeze before they go bad.
When you wash your parsley and cilantro, freeze your herb ends for stock flavoring.
Cook for 24 hours to render out all of the nutrition from the chicken bones.

Crockpot chicken bone broth
24 hours prep time
Makes 12 cups
3 chicken carcasses broke up in smaller pieces to fit within your crock pot
Large bag of veggie scraps or 6 whole carrots and 5 celery ribs
2 whole onions chopped up with skins on
Fresh herbs such as parsley, sage, thyme, basil
Full head of garlic cut in half
2 tablespoons of salt
1 tablespoon of pepper
Enough water to fill your crock pot
Cook on low for 24 hours. Every few hours add more water as the broth cooks down.
Strain the broth from the veggies and store in glass containers. The stock freezes well. Use this healthy stock in soups, gravies, drink as a rich healthy beverage, give your puppy a treat and pour a bit over their dog food.

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