Opinion & Editorial

Roberta Tharp is a key employee at City Hall

Creswell has a staff in city hall who on a week-by-week basis do an outstanding job of taking care of our civic business. Without their dedicated service it would be utter chaos here in town.
Roberta Tharp is the City Clerk – and by my definition the assistant City Manager. Perhaps the City Manager wouldn’t agree with the title, but I have observed Roberta’s performance for a number of years and I know she is the glue that holds the staff together.
Roberta has many duties, which include: records management, preparation for elections, preparing and distributing the council packets for council meetings and work sessions, plus committee meetings and agendas. She takes and records minutes of most meetings and is the Municipal Court Clerk. Naturally she is also in charge of public records and citizen requests for information on rules and regulations. I don’t know when she has time to take a break.
Roberta is always busy and as she said, ”Never a dull moment.”
Roberta is certified by The Institute of Municipal Clerks, a member of the Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders, and a member of the Oregon Association of Court Administration.
She is the second signer of checks, and receives and distributes the mail. I would say she is the chief cook and bottle washer for the city.
Roberta’s husband is now retired. They have three grown children and three plus grandchildren, all in the local area. She is a longtime member of the Kiwanis, plays golf and previously worked for 11 years at Traxlers Insurance and 12 years at the old Dairy Queen.
She has been with the City administration for 18 years. Her motto is: ”Treat citizens like you want to be treated.”
Additional staff at Creswell City Hall include Michelle Amberg, City Manager; Carolyn Allen, A/P Clerk; Michelle Furrer, A/R & Utility Clerk; Jennifer Gardiepy, Administrative Assistant; Madeline Phillips, City Planner; Wendy Smith, Assistant City Clerk; James Piper, Finance Director; Shelly Humble, Airport Manager and Code Enforcement.

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