Opinion & Editorial

Creswell State of the City address, part 1


Editor’s note: This is part one of Mayor Richard Zettervall’s State of the City Address. The second part of the column will appear in the Feb. 21 edition.

This is my first State of the City Address as your newly elected mayor of Creswell.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you for your confidence in me. I am very happy and excited to continue my service for the next two years, to get to work with our new city council and continue the excellent work that has been started.
I would like to thank former Mayor Dave Stram for his six years of service as the mayor of Creswell. His leadership has been a wonderful example. It will be my goal to lead our city council on the course that has been laid out by him, our city manager and city staff.
The course has been set and the path is before us; I look forward to many more successes.
2018 was a really good year in Creswell. I want to thank all of the city councilors that worked so hard on the many complex and important tasks and issues last year. Every single one of you played a key role in achieving great progress.
There are three city councilors who are continuing their service. They are: councilors Judy Drago, Amy Knudsen and Martha McReynolds Jr. Thank you for your continued service. Councilor Misty Inman won the write-in vote, and has chosen to continue her service, thank you.
I would like to welcome the two newest members to the city council: Councilors Alonzo Costilla and Kevin Prociw. Thank you for choosing to serve. Both of these gentlemen have already demonstrated their dedication, willingness to learn and excitement to serve. That bodes well for 2019, for our city council and for the citizens we serve.
I would like to express my thanks to our city manager, Michelle Amberg, and our entire city staff. Their dedication and hard work for the city council and the citizens of Creswell is truly incredible. Creswell is very fortunate to have the city staff that we have.
City Manager Amberg has said on many occasions that our city staff are the best and most talented people that she has ever had the pleasure to work with, and I totally agree!
Lastly, I want to thank all of the volunteers that serve on the many advisory committees and commissions. Your service to Creswell is a vital part of a properly functioning government. The City and city council could not complete the good work that has been done and will continue to be done, without your service. Thank you very much!
2018 City Accomplishments
There were many wonderful things that were accomplished in 2018 by the our city staff and the city council. The list is very long. I will share some of the more significant accomplishments:
Adopted the Parks and Open Space Master Plan;Entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cottage Grove for building inspection services;Began processing building permits through the State e-permitting system;Adopted the City’s Emergency Operations Plan;Held Creswell’s first ever Emergency Preparedness Fair;Worked with the South Lane County Fire and Rescue Board on plans for a new Creswell Fire Station;Completed and adopted the Airport Strategic Vision Plan; Adopted a Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance;Completed the 5th Street Project;Received Government Finance Officers Association’s Budget Award for the second year in row;Adopted an ordinance prohibiting the storage of vehicles on public property; Amended the City Development Code to allow accessory dwelling units;Began work on the City’s Transportation System Plan;Received a $1,035,000 Federal FAA Grant for the Creswell Airport;Authorized a long term lease between the City of Creswell and Community Food for Creswell to assist them in their plans to install a commercial kitchen in the Cobalt Activity Center;Created an Urban Renewal Agency and Urban Renewal District; Transferred ownership of the Old Schoolhouse to the Creswell Heritage Foundation along with a one-time grant.This is only a partial list of the accomplishments in 2018, and there are many more.
None of these accomplishments would have been possible without the large number of people who are dedicated to Creswell. You can pat yourselves on the back. You can take great pride in knowing that you played a big part of the positive work being accomplished in our community.
Thank you very much, Creswell is a better place because of our volunteers!

Check out next week’s edition for part two of the mayor’s State of the City Address.

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