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The officers of the local Coast Fork Kiwanis recently accepted a gracious $1,000 donation from Bob and Bonnie Britt, owners of Joe’s Diner. Some of the funds were generated from their jointly conducted Breakfast With Santa event during the holidays. The Breakfast With Santa event at Joe’s Diner has generated $500 to $1,000 each of the last three years for the Kiwanis. The funds are typically utilized to help fund the Food4Kids program in the Creswell schools.
The Coast Fork Kiwanis was recently formed by the merger of the Creswell and Cottage Grove Kiwanis clubs. The Club meets several Wednesdays each month for lunch, but their schedule is still evolving as they complete the merger. Guests are always welcome for lunch and Don Ehrich can be contacted for the current meeting times and place at [email protected].