Health & Wellness

Meet Michael Donohue


Therapeutic Associates Creswell Physical Therapy has recently welcomed Michael Donohue on our team as our lead physical therapist. Donohue was born outside of Chicago, but moved with his family at a young age to Tucson, Ariz., where he grew up. Undergrad Donohue studied psychology at the University of Arizona and then attended Northern Arizona University for PT school. Donohue has been a physical therapist for three and a half years, and was drawn to PT as a profession after going through PT himself, twice, for postoperative rehab on his shoulder.
Donohue and his wife, Jessica, own a cute German Shepard named Maddie. In his spare time, Donohue enjoys exercising; running and weight training being his favorite ways to stay active. Mike also likes to play guitar, as well as enjoy the outdoors through hiking and fly fishing.
In line with the onset of winter and the beginning of a new year, I recently had a conversation with Donohue about his 2019 resolutions, and being safe in the pursuit of health and fitness goals.
Q: What are your New Year’s resolutions?
A: I used to run in races and fun runs, and I have not participated in one in a while. I would like to do at least a 5K and a 10K this year. I also have a major sweet tooth and would like to cut back on my processed sugar intake.
Q: What is the most common injury that you treat during the winter season?
A: I see quite a few postoperative patients with people trying to get healthy for the summer time. I will also see quite a few fall related injuries with the slick and icy grounds. Be careful out there!
Q: How can we prepare our bodies for increased activity? How can we be safe in the pursuit of fitness goals?
A: The first thing to consider is talking to a healthcare provider, such as your primary care doctor or a physical therapist, to determine your baseline health status and for safe exercise options. Dieticians and nutritionists can also be helpful with recommending ideal diets for your specific body type. Always remember that you should ease back into exercise to prevent overuse injuries. Cross training between strength training, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises is often helpful in preventing overuse injuries as well.
Q: How can we prepare ourselves to remain safe in winter weather conditions?
A: Before you go out and do yard work or other outdoor activities, remember that when your body is cold you have decreased blood flow to your muscles, and they may not be ready for activity. Performing a simple warm up can be useful in preventing injury as you try to maintain your yard or other regular chores.
As I mentioned before, the slick and icy ground can also lead to falls. For those who have impaired balance a basic balance program can be helpful in reducing your risk of falls. Physical therapy is a great option if you are concerned about falling in the winter weather.
Q: What are some tips that you have for remaining active in the cold, winter months?
A: When we get cold, we tend to avoid exercise and being outdoors often. This can lead to a decrease in strength and cardiovascular health. Joining a gym is often a great route to help keep you in shape and out of the cold. You could always get in to other activities such as rock climbing, yoga, pilates and group dance classes.
Q: What are some situations in which physical therapy would be a good starting point in terms of reconditioning our bodies if returning to physical activity is a goal?
A: If you have yet to return to activity due to an injury, or haven’t fully recovered from an injury, physical therapy is a great option. We are well versed in orthopedic conditions (muscles, joints, bone, etc.) but also how to safely exercise with many medical conditions, such as in the heart and lungs.

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